
What do you do when dealing with full-on Rover profiles/potential clients, who after your meet-n-greet, want to negotiate you down (even though your rates are super fair and competitive) and/or want to pay you much cheaper in cash?

Personally, I really respect and love Rover and will never and have never gone off Rover and taken cash. Fully aware that it's against the rules and just not worth it from a liability, marketing, ethical and personal standpoint. But, it's pretty crappy (sorry for lack of a better word), when a potential Rover profile/client "fake" books you, scheduling a meet-n-greet, making it seem like they really like you/flatter you, fully being aware of your rates/profile info and then try to haggle cheaper rates in person (so not cool!) and/or try to convince you to take less in cash and "and not deal with Rover fees" (really, really NOT cool!).

This is a bit upsetting as you can imagine: You're excited about the prospect of a new client, you take time out of your busy day and make the effort to drive across town, waste time, gas/money and energy only to have to deal with this sort of behavior.

What do you with Rover profiles like these? Obviously, tell them no for being so tacky and unethical, but also, would you report them to Rover down the line? They are neighbors with a current client of mine, so it's kind of a sensitive situation (I don't want to upset my wonderful client). She referred them to me, only for me to find out that they want to pull this nonsense.

caughtinabind #cananyonerelate?


Don't feel guilty about this person being a client's neighbor. I would just be up front and honest at the get-go. I know when they're super nice and friendly, you feel bad about telling them no. But don't. Hold your ground.

I agree! Hold your ground it's hard sometimes but say no!

Don't feel guilty, you nor your client had now idea this would be the outcome! I would kindly decline the offer to go off site, and not mention it to your client unless they ask! I have massage clients who come in spa and want home services at cheaper rates, and I tell them house calls 2x spa price!

7 Answers

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Hi Angelica:

First of all, I commend you for sticking to your ethics and refusing cash payment and following Rover's terms of service. I personally would leave this lay where you left it. There is still a possibility that this potential client may come around and book you through the proper channels, especially if their neighbor - your current client - keeps singing your praises.


I would definitely not continue the conversation about taking a cash payment - anything in the messages about cash payments could get your account suspended.

Personally, I would not say anything else to that client. other than they must book and pay through Rover for legal and insurance reasons. Just archive the request and mark it as 'owner not a good fit.' If they do decide to book you legitimately and follow Rover protocol, they can. Archiving the request just puts you back on the search page.


I've had the same experiences and the one thing that always ends the conversation is "I totally understand your concerns, and sure I was also a little resentful of the fees that I had to pay for the service UNTIL I HAD MY FIRST RUNNER. While I was searching for the dog in my care that had run off after a deer, the knowledge that Rover was there for me during the emergency made me never question the cost of the insurance and services again." I've never had anyone continue to try to pay me under the table after that little monologue. Which is 100% true.


Them being neighbors makes it a bit complicated! I would just stick to your guns, pull a "sorry not sorry" and tell them that prices are not negotiable. "That's just what I charge", etc.

I had a guy pull a full blown messaging tantrum when I told him he couldn't board his dog with me unless he had the shots current. (why would I want an unvaccinated animal around my dog??) I got all kinds of passive aggressive comments like "guess he'll just have to be alone for 8 hours..." and it made me so mad. The policy is what it is, and so are the prices.


I would want nothing further to do with this situation. If something like this happened, I would just put the issue back on the potential client by saying that it's really up to them, it's their decision, and that my rates are set and I count on the insurance, liability, and support from Rover.


That's just a very simple way for you to tell they're not a good fit for me without even having to meet them! I welcome people like that lol... stats are subjective and ranking always goes up and down so that doesn't matter anyways


Time to raise your rates!!

I had this happen quite a few times when I was new to Rover and my price was low. Since I've raised my prices it has not happened even once. People that want to haggle price will start with the lowest price Sitter they can find.

OR... if your rates are already mid-range for your area the easiest thing to do is say "I'd be happy to help you find a Rover Sitter that is in your price range." Because another thing about bargain shoppers is they tend to be the highest maintenance with the worst behaved dogs. I know that sounds like a horrible generalization but it's true at least 75% of the time.


I've never had that happen. My prices are half the price of kennel boarding so they know they are getting a great deal.


I know, mine are too (on purpose!). I've never had somebody try to barter with me though! They'll just ghost me or say it's too much for them, but never has someone tried to make me go down on my prices. I figure if they want it that cheap, they can take them to the vet!

Me too, Jessica...they usually offer me more to go off-site because they know Rover charges us fees also. These are all great answers and I upvoted them all! I actually had a runner, also and that probably is as good a reason as any to have Rover's assistance. Thanks for the reminder.