
When listing Rover under employment history in a job application, what phone number should you list for a supervisor?

I was filling out an employment history and did not know what phone number I should give for Rover as a supervisor. I assume it should be someone with Sitter Services but I don't know their phone number.

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You are not employed by Rover. In the employment history, you should say you are self-employed as a dog walker, boarder or whatever.


You may want to call Rover support and ask them what they would do if someone called to verify employment. But that is the number I would put down- Because they would be verifying that you are or were a sitter with them and how long they have you ado sitting for? granted they could not give them much more information about you but you could put for the employees website your direct address so it pulls up your page with your info and reviews. Best of Luck!