
"Give$20, Get $20"?

I am confused. I thought if a new customer used our referral code they received $20 off their first booking. I clicked on the "Give $20, Get $20" link at the top of the Rover webpage, and it says not only would the customer get $20 off but that we (the sitter) get $20. Which is it? Or are these 2 separate deals?

1 Answer

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That is a different referral program for client-use only. If they refer someone like a friend or a family member, then as a perk they receive a $20 credit and whoever they referred receives $20 off of their first booked reservation. As a sitter, you do not receive anything if a client uses your $20 off promo code UNLESS they use it to book with a different sitter, in which case you would receive a $10 stipend.


Thank you!!!!!! That makes sense. :)