
Do I need to give her a vitamin supplement if so what should I give her?

I have a Morkie 7lbs. She eats mostly chicken and brown rice. Do I need to give her a vitamin supplement if so what should I give her.


Also, one of the perks of dry dog food is that it helps prevent the build up of tartar on dogs' teeth when they crunch the dry food. If you are feeding chicken/rice, which is soft, make sure you consider a regular dental routine such as dental chews or teeth brushing.

3 Answers

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That depends on a lot of things....her age, do you breed her? , how active she is, etc. I guess I'd go with whatever your vet recommends.


Feeding only chicken and rice really isn't a balanced meal. That is generally only recommended following bouts of diarrhea and/or vomiting, because it is extremely bland and easy on the GI tract for digestion purposes. You should absolutely be adding in supplements such as fish oil or sardines to include essential fatty acids, vegetables, egg whites or crushed egg shells for calcium, plain yogurt for probiotics, etc to give them all the vitamins and supplements necessary to remain healthy. If you are going to continue using a homemade food, as Mary mentioned you should seek advice from your veterinarian and do some research to see what you need to include. Here are some sites you may want to start with: ( and (


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I take care of 2 dogs who eat from a company called It's certified for human consumption by the USDA. They mainly eat the chicken and rice or turkey burger with noodles. The website has information or links about making your own food and what vitamins and supplement to add.