
Where can I find the Rover phone # assigned to me?

What is the recommended drop off and pickup times for boarding? What timeline would be considered to add daycare or is it all inclusive?


Thank you Karen, your answer helped alot, especially the part of bringing that up in the M&G. Again Thank you very much, Cheryl S.

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You, as the sitter, determine what are acceptable dropoff and pickup times for your clients. Remember, boarding charges are for 24-hour periods. If a client drops off a dog at 9 am on Tuesday, then it should be picked up by 9 am on the designated date. I give customers a couple of hours leeway, but will charge them for any overtime after that. When you have your M&G or are setting up the boarding engagement, you should find out the planned dropoff and pickup times so that you can revise the invoice before they pay. However, if they've already paid, you can always extend the stay for the overtime amount. Anything more than 10 hours I will charge for another whole day.

Your Rover phone number is visible to you and the client when a request has been made.