Will I get contacted on days I am unavailable?

I'm leaving on vacation for a few days where I will have no cell service. I have had these days blocked off in advance and I have no scheduled guests for these days. I wanted to set my status to away so that I won't get contacted by customers who will receive no response from me for days? However, It won't set my status to away because I have future bookings after I get back. If I am unavailable for the day can customers still contact me and will me not responding on days I am unavailable affect my response time score?

I was thinking about updating my profile with a message that I will be out of town for a few days and I will respond when I return. I'm not worried about people seeing this message and breaking into our house, we have excellent neighbors to keep an eye on our house and an alarm system. Any thoughts?


In my experience, yes, people can definitely still contact you even if you blocked off your calendar as unavailable. I just took the 21st and 22nd off, and had three requests while I was out of town.