
How often do you send photos?

Rover seems to want us to send photos every day. I say that because I've gotten emails from them encouraging me to send photos in order to boost my rankings... on a stay for which I had already sent 4 photos out of 6 days.

Now, I know every Owner is going to be different when it comes to how much is too much or not enough. So instead what I'm asking is: What do other Sitters actually do?

In my case, I send a photo every day the first 3 or 4 days. After that I send one only if I happen to get a good photo-op. I keep taking photos during the stay even if they aren't great. Then I pick the best one to send the day before pick-up and in the message I ask them to please confirm pick-up time.

Oh, and that's another question. How descriptive do you get in the messages that you send with the pics?

3 Answers

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For stays longer than 2 or 3 days, I'll let the owner know that my norm is to send a nightly "report" with photos and the daily itinerary of what we were up to - i.e. "Rover and I had so much fun on our walk to the Farmer's Market this morning! He did so well meeting other dogs, and then took a LONG nap afterwards... etc, etc". I'll ask if this is OK by them, or if they prefer to get two updates a day, or even just every other day. I also let them know that with longer stays, with these frequent updates, there's no need to reply to all of my picture updates if they would rather not - sometimes people feel pressured to reply to each and every text message, so I want to make sure that I am not getting in the way of their vacation.

I would just check in with the owner and see what they would like. I LOVE taking photos and letting the owner see how much fun their pup is having, all the snuggle moments and walk adventures. We have a really nice scenic overview not too far from my house, so I like to walk every guest down there and take their picture there. It's nice to be able to send their family a nice photo that shows what fun we are having, with a beautiful background too. :)


I send a few photos within the first hour of arrival to put clients' minds at ease.

After that, 2-4 photos daily, usually in the evening. Because pet parents jump every time their phone buzzes, photos are all sent at once with a sentence about how the day has gone so there is just one post.

Every guest, whether for 24 hours or 24 days, goes home with a framed photo - frames from Goodwill and garage sales, ranging in size to 5x7.


I always send a photo the first day, soon after the initial drop off. I also like to send another picture of Fido snug in his bed when it is time to sleep. After that, I send them as I take them. One owner would check in with "how is he doing?" and I always made sure to send a cute little picture of him doing something in response.