
Is there a place for us to share helpful ideas?

I came across a product that has been very helpful and wanted to share it with other Sitters but this forum prefers (insists!) that I can only ask a question.

A client brought a product called Grannick's Bitter Apple. It's used to keep a dog from chewing on themselves.

While that dog was here I had two other dogs that kept bringing their very zealous play fighting from the yard into the house. When they started smashing into furniture I knew I had to curb it somehow. The owner had told me that she sometimes pretends to use the spray and just makes a "tch" noise (imitating the sound of the spray) and it makes her dog stop what he's doing.

So... I used the spray for real on the rambunctious dogs a couple times so they knew what it was and now all I have to do is pick up the bottle and as soon as they see it they settle down. It's like magic!!

The spray is non-toxic so I don't feel bad putting it to good use.

4 Answers

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I think this is a good place to share ideas! Thank you for going to the trouble of playing "'s Jeopardy!" :-)

I'll remember your tip in future!

Also, there's a Facebook page called " and Dog Vacay Sitters" that many people have joined and use as a general forum. You might want to check that!


I've used the Bitter Apple in the past to stop a GSD pup from chewing things like the furniture, shoes, etc.
The stuff does work! Yes, this is the place to share info/ideas, etc. and you have to ask, not state your purpose!

I have a client that uses a water bottle for when her 2 dogs get too rowdy/out of line. All you have to do is pick it up (now) and that stops all the action! I don't know how many times she had to squirt them in the past, but the "classical conditioning" (ie: Pavlov's box) of using the water bottle really works.


The school and boarding facility where i took my first dog got me using Bitter Apple, and I loved it! It's a great training and discipline tool. Eventually, I just had to pick up the BA bottle and my dog would stop misbehaving. :-)


Bitter Apple is great! I have also used an old school dog whistle. same effect. blow it once or twice, then all I have to do is pick it up and the dogs all freeze!