
Extended Stays and why they don't offer an additional dog rate?

I don't understand why the Extended Stays are not consistent with the overnight stays. If someone books my services for an overnight stay for $45 for example I have it set that each additional dog is $5. But let's say I set my price to be more or less for the extended stay. Let's say I want the extended stay to be $60 a night, well if the owners have two dogs the Extended stay does not give the option to add an additional dog and I don't understand why? Just like an overnight booking I think an extended stay should have an additional dog rate. Thanks

1 Answer

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IMO, that would be tough to implement (as fixed prices). But, if you wanted to specify "additional dogs are 50% off," that would be relatively easy to implement (and, I agree, it would be nice if the pricing were more flexible, schedule-driven).

I list a sliding scale in my profile:

  • days 2&3 are 10% off; days 4-7 = 25% off; 8-14 = 40% off; 15+ = 50% off.
  • 1st add'l dog = 50% off; 2nd = 60% off; 3rd = 70% off.

I created a spreadsheet[1] to quickly (reliably) report the price. (Then I "edit" the stay price to make a "one-time adjustment.").

It shouldn't be hard for Rover to implement that kind of table-driven discounting.
