
How can I leave a review for unreliable dog sitter?

I've booked one of your dog sitters in the past independent of Rover and want to strongly caution your customers against using him. He was a no-show, generally unresponsive/unreliable and he kept an up-front payment for dog-sitting despite not showing up. (I also had to pay for an Uber to rush home when he was a no-show, so I was out more than just the cost of the dog-sitting.) Is it possible to review him through Rover? I contacted him because he had positive reviews on the site and he encouraged me to do business with him off it, which I (unfortunately) agreed to. I want to ensure that people aren't mislead by the five-star reviews he has (probably left by friends or people who haven't engaged him for business) and get another perspective before making the decision to hire him. I just can't figure out how to do it without him sending me a link to write one (which he'd never do) or having hired him through the site. I have texts to back up the story (mostly texts from me, since he simply didn't respond) -- I just think it's important for your users to know that he's unreliable and unprofessional.

This is the sitter I used, by the way: (

Thanks! Randi

1 Answer

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I'm sorry you've had a negative experience with Rover! If the sitter asked you to do business outside of Rover, this is against Rover policy and I would report it to the Rover Support Center. As you've said, I don't believe you can review them without using them through Rover (where you would automatically receive a review request following the reservation's end) or being sent a request by the sitter themself.


My negative experience wasn't with Rover, it was with the sitter! :) I'm definitely happy to contact the support center. What is the email? Thank you for your help!!

Here is the link to send them an e-mail regarding your experience, or you can call (888) 453-7889 to speak with someone directly.

i had the same issue. a complete no show, no text or call either. woman is Samantha in arlington VA stil advertised as 4 star sitter. Rover sucks