
What if an owner lies about the dog's age to get a lower stay rate?

I have a higher rate per night for puppies under 12 months, because of the extra care and attention involved. The dog owner told me that the dog I am boarding this week is over a year old, but now I see in the profile that he is actually only 10 months old. Is there a reason it changed, other than that they may just be trying to get a lower rate per night?


I just had this experience last night. I had the owner come with a dog he claimed to be a full grown Sheppard, and he was the size of my Chihuhua. I do not sit puppies, and I had that in my bio. I wish the owners could upload their vet documents into their profile

3 Answers

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There is no reason the age should have changed. I always ask for vaccination documents because there it states the age of the dog. If you don't ask for proof they can say their dog is any age and one not know. You can always send a message through the app and say, "I noticed the site said he is 10 months old but I remember at the M&G you said he was over a year old, how old is Rover exactly." See what the owners say.


Also, be aware that when adding a dog to your profile, you're asked for the dog's age, not the dog's birthdate. IMHO this is a bad system, because it requires the owner to keep it updated. It's possible they just haven't updated their profile since their dog WAS ten months old.


I would bring up your concerns with the owner and verify the age of their dog. If you have not already booked the stay, after clarifying that you have a higher rate for puppies and your reasoning behind it, you can modify the rate yourself or you could contact Rover support and have them update the total.


Thank you, Hillary! That's helpful.

I would also give them the benefit of the doubt -- it could have just been that they hastily entered in an incorrect or guesstimated birthdate when they set up their dog's profile!

That's a good point. I should have asked more questions during the Meet and Greet. The dog is very sweet, but isn't crate-trained as the owner assured me, and still needs a lot of basic training. I wish I had known that before agreeing to the stay, but it's a good learning experience going forward!