
what is best flea control?

We discovered some dogs have fleas. is there potential for flee to infest human or harmful to human? also how to tell if there are mice on dogs.


Lol mice?! I know you meant mites, but thats the funniest typo I've ever seen!

8 Answers

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Yes, Fleas can bite humans as well as pets. Once, you have flea eggs in your house it's a big task to get rid of them to prevent the problem from continuing. There are many solutions and different opinions on how to best treat your own dogs (oral, topical, etc. ) For guest dogs, whether or not the dogs are taking any preventative treatment may be a deciding reason if you want to host. Here's a post where a lot of people commented:


I ask if the dogs are on flea/tick prevention at the initial conversation(before the meet and greet) and let them know that I do not keep dogs who are not. I had a client flat out lie to me today and brought her two dogs here to stay for a week, told me that she had one flea dipped and that she was flea free. She was not!

I called Rover, then called the lady to come get her dogs. Fleas are a HUGE job to get rid of, plus you contaminate every single dog that comes into your home. Make sure that the problem never starts! If, for whatever reason, it has already become a problem, I would go with a professional because home remedies take forever, if they are ever able to work at all. You will also need to make yourself unavailable as a sitter until it is under control because other dogs will become infected (fleas can be transported on fur even with preventative if they are in an infested home).


I heard Front line and Advantage doesn't work well for dogs in the Bay Area. The Vets give them the pill now. I wipe my dog down with Apple Cider Vinegar and Baking Soda after walks. Weird, but it works


The best flea preventative is any of the chewable tablets. Nexguard and Trifexis are two examples. Adam's Flea and Tick spray is VERY effective if you just have a dog for a short trip with fleas. It only lasts about a week, and you have to spray the dog thoroughly.


Thanks Jessica

THE REAL ISSUE the fact that topical treatment is sooo toxic, (Toxic=poison) ingestible only gets rid of the flea/tic after is bites your pet. When it bites it is ingesting the insecticide coursing in your pet's bloodstream and kills them. The REAL answer "patchouli oil". A safe & natural pesticide

One might ask if patchouli oil kill fleas and ticks. The answer is YES, however, very few fleas, ticks & insects actually die from patchouli because they fear/run for their life. For outside plant "patchouli". For inside use patchouli oil rather than moth balls and patchouli leaves rather than cedar


Fleas transmit the bacterium Yersinia pestis from rats to humans and therefore are required for the transmission of bubonic plague, which caused the deaths of as many as 25 million people during the 14th Century. There are some pests who encountered around the home, and fleas cause discomfort and irritation to both pets and people.

For successful flea control, the home, pet and oftentimes, the yard must be treated by a professional flea exterminator. Last month my neighbor too had dealing with flea issues, then immediately they had called up (NYC pest control) team, where the experts had performed flea control treatments that had greatly influenced the results.


The best way to prevent fleas is to improve the immune system of your companion through nutrition, exercise, no or minimal (none after first year except rabies) vaccines and holistic treatment. Check This: Best Flea Treatments For Dogs


Yes. Fleas can carry and transmit several illnesses including typhus and plague. Spot on treatment is the best and quick way to eliminate fleas on your dog. You can go natural solutions like using neem oil. Check this: (fleas bites on dogs)


Protect my Pet The best solution for your flea problem Delivers to your door once a month We have been using for years Never had a problem Get on this sharpish