
Dashboard - Upcoming Stays?

I feel like my scheduled upcoming stays should be prominently displayed on my dashboard. It seems like I have to dig for that info and I feel like that more than anything should be front and center on the dashboard. Am I missing something? Do others have this same request? Thanks!


I don't know if this will help, but when you click on Inbox, it displays links to all your stays, past present and upcoming.

I can see that but it doesn't seem intuitive at all. When I log in to see my future stays it doesn't pop out that I would select Inbox. I think of Inbox as a place to see mail exchanges, not scheduled stays. Dashboard seems like a place where critical info like my scheduled stays would be listed.

Agreed. It's not intuitive at all. I should see them like a to do list!

I totally agree. This is by far the most frustrating thing about rover. I log in to make sure everything's set up for my future stay and what do I see? Nothing... nothing at all. It's quite worrisome.

1 Answer

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Yes, your upcoming stays are listed in your inbox. Its always been this way. I agree, having them on the dashboard would be helpful. Do you use i-calendar? Just download the app and sync it your rover calendar and its perfect!


What is i-calendar? Is that an Apple thing? I personally have no interest in using an external system to see my upcoming stays... I have like 5 computers and I would have to set them all up, etc, etc. It's just kind of silly and sounds unnecessary.