What to do when a dog is being aggressive with me?
I am currently sitting a family of three dogs, all was fine the first two days. Now one of the males is attacking his siblings. I attempted to corral him in a playpen but he climbed right out. I then moved him to a crate where he spent 1 hour screaming and clawing to get out. I went to use the restroom and in two minutes he destroyed my crate, got loose and urinated on every piece of furniture in my living/sitting room. Aside from that, he is now aggressive towards me, and challenges me every chance he gets. He has bitten me once already. I sent a message to the owners asking for suggestions but have yet to hear back. Had anyone else had a dog that turned aggressive towards them. If they can't offer some suggestions that work, would I be justified asking them to find someone to come and get him? He's in my last crate, if he destroys that, I don't know what I'll do with him as he marks EVERYWHERE. They are here until the 3rd!!!