
Year-long stay?

I had a potential client contact me for a year-long stay for her dog. She would be back in town every 90 days. I don't have a lot of info yet, meeting is this evening. I'd really like to help her out, but not sure if I can commit to it. Does anyone have any experience doing this? Also, any advise as to what to charge? My current rate for boarding is $40/night. Should I offer a discounted rate? I'd be willing to drop the rate slightly, but also need to make it worth my time. Thanks


I don't really have an answer for you, but I think asking one person to sit for their dog for an entire year is asking A LOT. Is there another sitter in your area that can pick up times (days, weeks, whatever) so you can get away yourself? Whether it's through Rover or not, I think there should be a back-up sitter.

Thanks, Mary. I totally agree. There are a few other sitters in my neighborhood. But thinking about the whole situation, it seems more trouble than it's worth. Especially trying to coordinate with other sitters.

2 Answers

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I would approach with caution too... I get alot of scammers and a year long stay sounds iffy... Let us know how it turns out.


Hi Denise. She ended up canceling our meet and greet. She found a farm that specializes in long term boarding.


I'd approach this with caution. There have been many scammers that ask sitters to watch dogs for over a month, but do not provide much if any information, and immediately ask to communicate via phone or email (off Rover completely). First thing I'd do is request more information. I would not offer a discounted price before I was satisfied that it was a match (after a meet&greet and likely after a trial stay).

For a stay this long, I'd also want to do either daycare or overnight (maybe more than one- it depends on the dog) to try it out before the actual dates needed. Also, with an owner away for 90 days at a time, I'd ask about: local emergency backups(i.e. family/friends) to be notified, vet authorization and even payment authorization on file there, with your name added as the sitter, if the owner prefers the dog continue to receive care from the same place.


Thanks for your input, Deb. You've given me some great info. I was planning on suggesting a few overnights during our meeting tonight. Good point with the whole scammer thing, didn't even cross my mind. I did send her a list of questions I wanted answered before our meet & greet and have not heard back yet. So that makes me think. As far as discounts, I never offer my clients one unless they ask.

You're welcome.