
Why does my response rate say 70%?

Hi, I have responded to every single request. Even when I know its not a good fit or I am not available I let every inquiry know.

What does the 70% mean? 70% within an hour? Even that is dubious, but yeah there have been a few requests that come in after 9pm that I dont get to until the next morning.

Thanks Ruthann

ps, love the new improvements to the website!! keep up the great work


If you go into your Settings, you can set "quiet hours," so that you will not be penalized for incoming messages that you do not respond to overnight. They will be delivered at the end of your quiet hours.

3 Answers

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According to Rover Help Center: Response rate measures how often you respond to requests within 24 hours. This number is based on your 10 most recent requests. For example, a 100% response rate means that you’ve responded within 24 hours to each of your last 10 requests.

Previously Rover reps. stated it's just the initial request (including all duplicate requests for same pet), not the entire conversation.

Currently, I see your profile shows 100% Response rate, but also shows 70% of clients received photo updates.


It might be possible that your 70% is because of the late night requests. I would say to not let it bother you.

I think they only do that to give the customer an estimate of when they would be hearing back from you.


I wonder if it could be that if a conversation doesn't end on you, you technically haven't responded. For example, I'll have conversations like this:

me: We just left the house. We had a great stay with your pups! Let me know if you ever need another sitter :) owner: Thank you so much! me: Of course, we had a great time! Hope your trip was fun. owner: It was great, thanks so much!

me: (nothing, because the conversation is clearly over) <--technically a "no response"?

... but what should I do, keep saying "you're welcome" forever?? ha. I wouldn't worry about it.