
Required to reply to messages in inbox- even when I don't need to?

Rover just texted me a message saying that I have to reply to a message because it's been more than 24 hours, and that if I did not, I would be marked as away on my profile. Thing is, I don't need to reply to those messages. One I am waiting on for the person to get back to me, and the another was a request to call them through phone. Is there a way to "Archive" messages that I don't need to reply to, but without cancelling the stay?

1 Answer

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Hi Brittany,

Rover only sends you those messages when you don't respond to the very first message. In your case, since the owner requested you call them, you should still respond or else your response percentage will go down.

What I usually do in this case is send them a response like this: 'Hi __, thanks for contacting me! I will give you a call shortly. Best, Amber'

In regards to archiving a message, it will never cancel the request if you archive it, but it will make it harder to get to when you need to. I usually leave the pending requests in my inbox until I know if it will work or not, then will archive them when the time is right.

Hope this helps!


Got it, thanks for clarifying! I'll be sure to do that next time. :)