Dog Boarding in Holtville, CA

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The prices below are estimates per night for 1 adult dog, including fees. Pricing may vary based on your search.

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Confirmed availability: Juneteenth
Sitter Profile Image: Sadie & Ethan M.
Verified Enhanced Background Check
Sitter Profile Image: Sadie & Ethan M.
Verified Enhanced Background Check

1. Sadie & Ethan M.

Young family/loves dogs
Holtville, CA, 92250
0.5 mi. away
Boarding, Doggy Day Care
5.0 out of 5 stars
37 reviews
25 repeat clients
per night
Profile image

Sadie was SO sweet and took in our poor old guy Shiner. She constantly communicated with me all weekend and sent pics of him just relaxing and chilling like it was his own house! We’ll definitely rebook!

Confirmed availability: Juneteenth
Sitter Profile Image: Judith M.
Verified Enhanced Background Check
Sitter Profile Image: Judith M.
Verified Enhanced Background Check

2. Judith M.

Looking forward to wonderful pets!
Imperial, CA, 92251
10.4 mi. away
Boarding, Drop-In Visits, Doggy Day Care, Dog Walking
5.0 out of 5 stars
165 reviews
43 repeat clients
per night
Profile image


Confirmed availability: Juneteenth
Sitter Profile Image: Itzel & Benjamin T.
Verified Enhanced Background Check
Sitter Profile Image: Itzel & Benjamin T.
Verified Enhanced Background Check

3. Itzel & Benjamin T.

Dogs are my favorite part of life!
El Centro, CA, 92243
10.9 mi. away
Boarding, House Sitting, Drop-In Visits, Doggy Day Care
5.0 out of 5 stars
5 reviews
1 repeat client
per night
Profile image

Itzel and Benjamin are truly fantastic! They have a wonderful fenced in area for your pet and are very attentive. Our minds were at ease the entire time. Frequent pics and updates. Our doggo had a wonderful time. Highly recommend them!

Sitter Profile Image: Nathalia V.
Verified Background Check
Sitter Profile Image: Nathalia V.
Verified Background Check

4. Nathalia V.

Pets home alone? Np! Natty can help
Calexico, CA, 92231
10.0 mi. away
Boarding, House Sitting, Drop-In Visits, Doggy Day Care, Dog Walking
5.0 out of 5 stars
4 reviews
per night
Profile image

Great sitter !

Sitter Profile Image: Alysha M.
Verified Enhanced Background Check
Sitter Profile Image: Alysha M.
Verified Enhanced Background Check

5. Alysha M.

Pets are family, too!
Imperial, CA, 92251
10.5 mi. away
Boarding, House Sitting, Drop-In Visits, Doggy Day Care, Dog Walking
2 reviews
2 repeat clients
per night

Alysha is one of the biggest dog people I know, she takes such great care of her dog Kira and is always asking to pet other people's dogs and pets in general. I have seen her take great care of both her dog and cat, and I am sure she will take great care of others too as she is a responsible and loving person towards humans and pets! I know she values people who are kind to animals due to her own mindset of being kind too!

Sitter Profile Image: Daniela C.
Verified Enhanced Background Check
Sitter Profile Image: Daniela C.
Verified Enhanced Background Check

6. Daniela C.

I love all animals! :)
Calexico, CA, 92231
11.2 mi. away
Boarding, House Sitting, Drop-In Visits, Dog Walking
5.0 out of 5 stars
1 review
per night

About: I have taken care of guinea pigs since I was 12-years-old, and they're very sensitive pets! I currently take care of my 6 & 2 year-old cats! I'm a pet carer every second I'm not at school. I'm currently finishing my last year at SDSU. Outside of that, I am employed so my availability is limited. I clean my cats litter and vacuum daily, so I have no issue cleaning messes or necessities. Let me know if you have specific cleaning techniques I should know!

Sitter Profile Image: Laura L.
Verified Enhanced Background Check
Sitter Profile Image: Laura L.
Verified Enhanced Background Check

7. Laura L.

Passionate about dogs and pet care.
El Centro, CA, 92243
12.0 mi. away
Boarding, House Sitting, Drop-In Visits, Doggy Day Care, Dog Walking
5.0 out of 5 stars
6 reviews
1 repeat client
per night

5/5 Stars!☆ Laura is very kind. Took great care of my baby Coco and I love how she updated me with pictures during the day.

Sitter Profile Image: Dayanna V.
Verified Enhanced Background Check
Sitter Profile Image: Dayanna V.
Verified Enhanced Background Check

8. Dayanna V.

I care a lot about dogs and I love.
El centro, CA, 92243
10.4 mi. away
4 years of experience
per night

About: I have been taken care of my neighbor’s dogs since I was 15. Everyone trusted me and also taught my dog tricks, love them .” I currently work part time so I will have plenty of time for pet care. Also, I like to play with them any time . I hace a fenced yard where I watch the dogs and give them some water to hydrated. I give them rewards for some tricks .


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Holtville Dog Boarding ratings

Overall Rating:
5.0 out of 5 stars

Dog boarders in Holtville are rated on average 5 out of 5 stars based on 20 reviews.

Never beg a friend to watch your dog again, and no more dog kennels. With Rover, you can find your the perfect Holtville dog sitter in seconds. When you book dog boarding on Rover, your dog will enjoy a loving, relaxing stay in your dog sitter's home. If you're looking for care for pets other than dogs, you can find a pet sitter who offers pet boarding for cats, caged pets, and even horses. No matter what, you'll know that your pet is getting loving care, right in their sitter's home. By removing common pet care obstacles, Rover ensures dogs nationwide are happy and well-cared for even when their human is away, and empowers dog lovers to live happy and fulfilling lives. Founded on the belief that everyone should have the opportunity to experience the unconditional love of a dog, Rover makes it easy for you to reach dog sitters in Holtville, CA who can provide the care your dog needs, when they need it.

The price of dog boarding in Holtville, CA might not be as much as you thought. Whatever your price range, you'll find a dog sitter on Rover for almost any budget. Interested in finding out what the typical Rover dog sitter expects as a dog boarding fee? Visit our average dog boarding rates report to see the general fees before checking out an individual dog sitter's hourly rates.

If you're the sort of person who likes to book services when you're out and about, you'll love the Rover dog boarding app. In minutes, you'll be able to view hundreds of experienced dog sitters no matter where you are, or re-book on-demand with your puppy's favorite dog sitter. You'll get to check in in real-time to see how your dog's day is going, with the photo updates feature from your dog sitter via the Rover dog boarding app. And if you hate carrying cash, or calculating tips, you'll love the Rover app's cashless payment feature which enables fast, secure payment of your dog sitter without money needing to change hands.

Are you a dog lover who wants to know more about how to turn your passion into profit? There's lots of opportunity to earn money with dog boarding in Greenville, CA. If you're not sure where to start, visit our page about how to become a dog sitter. We're always happy to include new dog sitters in our dog boarding service listings, and the simple application process means you can start your own dog boarding business in no time. We also take the hassle out when it comes to paperwork, because all our Rover dog sitters have access to helpful benefits including premium pet insurance and cashless payment feature, so you don't have to worry about getting paid on time. Why not apply today?

In short, when you book Holtville dog boarding on Rover, your dog gets the loving care they deserve, and you get to relax, knowing that your pet is in good hands.

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