Do you have a clingy dog in your life? These attentive creatures just can’t stand to let you out of their sight for even a minute. They don’t understand the concept of “privacy” or the fact that you might want to go anywhere without them. Even the bathroom. Whether you relish the deep bond you share or wish you could get a little more “me time” in your life, these hounds of love are sure to make you smile.
Camouflage level: expert
Thought my dog was with me in the bathroom, then walked out to look for her
Truly man’s best friend
The moment when you run out of toilet paper then remember why you trained your dog to play fetch #gofetch ???
— Who Gives A Crap (@WhoGivesACrapTP) August 20, 2015
Hi. I love you
The pee police
Everything cool?
Take my hand if you need it
Well it is a public bathroom
How’s it all going in there?
Guardian of the throne
Featured image: Instagram