Let’s be honest—we love to look at any dog. But there’s something about a dog with blue eyes that really captures our attention.
Blue-eyed dogs are rare. This distinctive look in one or both eyes is caused by a lack of pigment around the eye area, albinism, or a number of other genetic factors. The Dog Genetics website has more information about the genes that affect eye colour. But since you’re here, let’s look at some stunningly beautiful blue-eyed dogs!
The Weimaraner
These intelligent, energetic dogs are also called the “Grey Ghost.” They’re known for their blue (or sometimes amber) eyes and their distinctive silvery-grey coats.
The Siberian Husky
Graceful, athletic, and powerful, the Siberian husky first originated in northeastern Asia and is highly regarded for its endurance. They frequently have blue eyes and light-coloured coats.
The Shetland Sheepdog
These dogs (also called Shelties) are quick and intelligent herders that originated in Scotland. Shelties with the merle gene, which causes random patches of pigmentation on a dog’s coat and face, may have blue eyes. Frequently, merle Shelties will have only one blue eye while the other will be amber or brown.
The German Shepherd
Though it’s rare, German shepherds (muscular dogs known for intelligence and loyalty) might have one or two blue eyes due to a genetic anomaly.
The Dalmatian
These gorgeous dogs are easily identified by their spotted coats and regal features. Blue eyes are rare in Dalmatians, and can sometimes be a warning sign for hearing loss, as the gene that causes blue eyes is also associated with deafness.
Baby Blues in Other Dogs
We couldn’t stop the list there. Here are some more stunning photos of dogs with gorgeous baby blues—which one is your favourite?
Maybe it’s this distinguished fellow.
What about this flop-eared puppy?
And here’s our favourite, this sweet blue-eyed senior dog with a beautiful dapple.
You can always count on Rover.com for great dog facts, cute photos, and advice as well as for amazing sitters who offer dog boarding and walking services if you need some extra help!
Featured image: Marcelo Campi/Flickr