There’s no question that most dogs love to play. When playing, we laugh and have fun with them, but can they laugh right back at us? Unfortunately, there isn’t a straightforward answer. Research found that dogs (and other animals) vocalise during play. Much like a human will laugh when tickled, a dog will use a similar vocal signal while playing. So yes, dogs do laugh and have a sense of humour! They laugh with playmates, and it’s usually quiet. A dog uses their laugh during play to:
- encourage and initiate play
- keep play going
- show no ill intent during play
- prevent aggressive fighting
- promote positive play
Below, we’ll explain all things laughing, if dogs have a sense of humour, and which dog breeds are the funniest.
Do Dogs Have A Sense of Humour?
Unlike fear or joy, dog humour is more complex. There’s little research on a dog’s sense of humour, and animal experts widely debate it. However, some dog behaviourists believe that a dog being happy and playing practical jokes on their parents shows they have a sense of humour. A dog’s sense of humour was noted by Charles Darwin as early as 1872 in his book The Descent of Man: “Dogs shew [show] what may be fairly called a sense of humour, as distinct from mere play; if a bit of stick or other such object be thrown to one, he will often carry it away for a short distance; and then squatting down with it on the ground close before him will wait until his master comes quite close to take it away. The dog will then seize it and rush away in triumph, repeating the same manoeuvre and evidently enjoying the practical joke.”
Steve Dale, CABC, a pet expert for over 20 years, believes “some breeds are pranksters and have an unmistakable sense of humour”. Dale explains dogs can make up games. Some dog practical jokes he’s seen include the following:
- hiding behind a sofa and then appearing
- initiating games of chase
- stealing an object like a shoe
But do dogs find these practical jokes funny? There is little to no research to confirm this. Some animal experts argue dogs have learned that practical jokes lead to good things; these include tasty treats and much-loved attention, which encourages the behaviour.
Why Do Dogs Have A Sense of Humour?
We tend to appreciate qualities we share with animals, says naturalist Sy Montgomery, an author and strong proponent of dogs having a sense of humour. “Sometimes what a dog may think is hilarious, you may not think is hilarious, but you can appreciate that they think it’s hilarious,” Montgomery says. Whether a dog knows they are being funny or not, there is no denying that another animal knowing how to elicit a human emotion is fascinating. It’s no wonder dogs have been ‘man’s best friend’ for thousands of years and are considered the species that formed the closest bonds with humans.
What Does a Dog’s Laugh Sound Like?
Contrary to the famous saying, you won’t hear a dog ‘howling with laughter’. Their laugh involves panting and sounds like a forced exhalation of breath. A dog makes a ‘huh-huh’ sound, similar to a human’s ‘hah-hah’ sound. A dog’s laugh is acoustically different from their regular pants. A recording of a dog’s laughter has even been shown to reduce stress and promote positive social behaviours when played to shelter dogs. Besides laughing, other types of play vocalisations dogs use include the following:
Do Dogs Understand When I Laugh?
Multiple studies have shown dogs are sensitive to human gestures and can learn what they mean. Other research showed dogs can differentiate between human emotions such as happiness and anger. Dale notes that dogs are often encouraged to repeat behaviours that give them attention. He concludes that pet parents’ laughter may not encourage a dog, but the attention will. But can dogs understand if we are laughing at them? No studies show dogs can feel embarrassed from being laughed at. Researchers have only just started to look at whether dogs can feel empathy or guilt, with preliminary evidence suggesting they can’t.
What Dog Breeds Are The Funniest?
Some humans are just born funny; the same applies to our dogs! Through his experience, Dale has learned that some dog breeds are funnier than others. These funny breeds include:
- French Bulldog
- Havanese
- Boxer
- Jack Russell Terrier
- Siberian Husky
- Dachshund
- Beagle
- Miniature and Toy Poodles
Regardless of whether your dog knows they’re being funny, it’s indisputable their silly antics often have us bursting with laughter.
Why A Dog’s Sense of Humour Matters & How to Nurture It
Why is it essential for us to know if dogs have a sense of humour? The answer is simple. Having insight into the inner lives of dogs and animals helps pet parents “respect and love them more,” says Jessica Pierce, PhD, a bioethicist and author. Pierce hopes people will observe their dogs to see if they’re trying to be funny and find fun ways to play with them. “If people are invited to play with their dogs more and find new, interesting games they can engage with their dogs in, that’s wonderful,” she says. “Maybe we can make our dogs laugh, too—just like they make us laugh.”