Yes! Cooked prawns, with the shells removed, are an excellent source of protein, B-vitamins, and phosphorus. Protein helps your pet maintain healthy muscles. Vitamins B3 and B12 boost gastrointestinal health, and phosphorus is essential for healthy bones.
Raw shellfish can carry intestinal parasites, so prawns should be cooked before consumption. The shells can be hazardous, particularly for small dogs, so these should be removed.
Serving Ideas
Dogs can enjoy prawns:
- As an ingredient in tinned or dry food
- As a snack or special treat
What Else Can Your Dog Eat?
We offer a collection of articles on foods that are safe, dangerous or even toxic for dogs to eat, including vegetables, dairy, bread, and junk food. There is a wide variety of “human food” that is healthy for your dog to eat, while others are considered toxic and dangerous. Check out which fruits and veg are good for your dog and which spices and seasonings are ok to give to your furry little buddy. We’ve created these articles to ensure you’re informed on feeding your dog a wonderfully varied diet while learning the limitations of a dog’s sensitive digestive system.