One of the greater mysteries in life: what does your dog do when they’re home alone?
Wonder no longer, curious dog lover—if you don’t have a hidden pet cam, we have all the answers. Read on for the things dogs love doing when they think no one is watching.
Take in the sights
She’s got you covered. No bicycle, dog, human, or car will go by without her noting it.
Plot world domination
Or at least domination of the kitchen bin. A dog can dream, right?
Shine your shoes
This one depends on which way you’re looking at it. Whether your dog is tenderly licking or voraciously chewing, there’s no denying those clogs have undergone a transformation.
Serve as a home security guard
The best part? They work for chews and a warm bed. Nothing gets past your astute sentinel.
Help with the gardening
Digging holes for the tulip bulbs counts, right?
Sing the blues
“You ain’t nothin’ but a hound dog!”
This one goes without saying. That warm spot on the couch or bed? You can thank your dog for keeping your spot nice and toasty at the end of the day.
The bottom line
In all seriousness, though, dogs are social creatures! Just like us, they can get lonely and bored. Check out tips for keeping them entertained—and don’t forget that you’ve got some amazing doggy daycare and pet sitting options right in your area.