I felt a lot of anxiety about getting a second dog, whether or not it would be the right decision, or if I was just taking another step toward animal hoarding. Now, two years after adopting my second dog, I can’t imagine life without both of them in it. Here’s why the risk is worth the reward:
1. Comedy gold
“The more the merrier” has never been truer than it is with dogs. Dogs are hilarious, by nature, so watching them interact and adding another personality to the mix offers more opportunities for comedy.
2. They have someone to play with
Dogs understand each other in ways we humans simply can’t. Finally, someone to get their jokes and teach new bad habits to!
3. Socialization
If you have a solo dog who, like mine, doesn’t really care about other dogs, bringing another dog in can help a lot. My second dog taught my first dog how to play, and how to be normal around other dogs.
4. Matching outfits and couples costumes
Nothing better! My dogs have matching and coordinated raincoats, sweaters, etc. and whenever we go out people go nuts for it.
5. They share the blame
And sometimes they spread the blame.
And sometimes they are just blatantly rude.
6. Cuddles
They cuddle together, and with you, and guess what? In the winter they cuddle EVEN MORE. Photo ops. Mad photo ops.
7. Companionship while you’re away
One of the greatest driving forces behind my decision to get another dog was that my dog wouldn’t be so bored at home when I couldn’t take him with me. Now my dogs are so bonded, I can’t take one of them somewhere without the other feeling left out.
8. The return home is that much sweeter
9. Teamwork makes the dream work
They work together to help each other and teach each other new things (good and bad).
10. You can call a pet psychic and find out what they think of each other.
I did this and found out that my older dog thinks we adopted the younger one and are raising her together. He was like, “she’s a bit much but we are doing a good job with her, I think.” The audacity.