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answered a question Do you agree with Rover Cards?

Another one here that is going to be seriously upset if they become mandatory! That said, I have used them for my last couple of walks and drop-ins, and I like having the option. I can still send a text while I'm there with questions, updates, and pictures. It doesn't all have to be done through the Rover Card. I discovered that you don't need to put the pees and poops in when they happen. You can just add them at the end. For what I'm currently doing, I like that they can see how long I was actually there. Particularly since I often spend a little longer than 30 minutes. For walks, I start when I arrive and end when I leave. I let the clients know that so that they don't think it actually took me 40 minutes to walk a mile and a half. I just turn my GPS on on my phone just before or at the time of arrival and back off after I send the card. However, there are some clients that would prefer not to get them. I certainly don't want to force that on them. There are some clients in areas of poor cell reception and that could cause serious issues. There are all sorts of different kinds of situations, owners, and dogs that we deal with. It 100% should be an option. If they want to make clients aware it's an option, that's fine. If it's something vital to that client, they can make sure you are willing and able to send cards before booking. Just don't require me to do it at times when it's not going to work correctly or if the owner doesn't want it done!!

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answered a question Is there a way to remove a few pictures that I sent through the app?

Thank you so much, Mary!

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asked a question Is there a way to remove a few pictures that I sent through the app?

I have a fair number of pictures showing on my profile that I've sent my first two clients. There is one that got sent twice and another that I'd prefer to remove. It didn't really represent how I like to do things, but was something the owner requested. Is there anyway to remove those images from my public profile. Not a big deal, just got me curious. I also thought at some point an owner might request that images be removed for whatever reason. Thanks!

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commented answer Extending a stay?

Thanks, Deb! That's what I was thinking I should have done. Nice to have confirmation. Now I know.

commented question Extending a stay?

I went ahead and called Rover to have this resolved. I'd still love to know the best way to handle an extension in future if we had both already agreed. Do I need to cancel the previous booking and restart?

asked a question Extending a stay?

I'm new to Rover and just had an owner that had already booked, ask me to extend the stay by a day. She had booked 3rd through 8th and then wanted it changed to 2nd through 8th. She also booked the second one. I think I may have done the extension incorrectly. My pending jobs now shows two for her. Once with the original dates and once with the extended dates. They've both been paid. Did she get double charged? When I extended the stay, should I have just put in the new day and not included through the end of the stay? She's a lovely lady and I certainly don't want her to have paid twice for those 5 days!