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answered a question Can I get pink eye from my dog?

I'll echo what everyone else has said; that it depends on the pathogen or type of pink eye your dog has. You don't need to burn all of your belongings, but do wear a pair of gloves if you can while administering any medication to your dogs eye, remove the gloves safely (google contact free way to remove gloves), and keep your hands washed with warm water. I would also wash any bedding, and if possible keep your pup off of the furniture and beds for a few days/a week. Good luck and I hope your pup feels better soon!

answered a question What is the best food for a german shepherd puppy?

Great questions! While it would be great to get advice on this topic from your veterinarian who specializes in canine nutrition, not all of us have that luxury at our disposal. I've found sites like to be very helpful in my search for an affordable but nutritionally sound food for my dogs. I search for at minimum a 4 star (hopefully 5) food that has meat as the FIRST ingredient and price match on sites like Chewy, Amazon, and in my local wholesale stores (I know some people have found 5-star foods as Costco, BJ's wholesale etc) for a well rated food that is in my price range. Currently I feed Eagle Pack: Power and am considering a switch eventually to raw feeding once I can find someone to advise me further on this and help me source locally. It's a hard decision, and it's important for your dogs health, but your first step should be to invest a small amount of time into research on sites that have rated foods. Hope that helps! :)

answered a question Why does my dog snore?

If a dog suddenly begins the habit of snoring, it may be something you want to check with your vet- or at least give them a phone call about. While some pups are lifelong snorers, others can develop breathing problems over time, and it's worth asking a veterinary professional for advice. Thanks!

answered a question Lethargy in puppies?

HI Zoya, If your puppy is displaying these types of behaviors and symptoms, you should call your vet as soon as possible. Be sure to keep her hydrated in the meantime if she'll drink water, and perhaps you can supplement with wet food if she'll accept it- but if she is off balance and lethargic, it sounds like there's something more at play than simply picky eating, etc.
Please call your vet and ask for advice. Make an appointment with them if they suggest you do so.

received badge  Enthusiast
answered a question What is the best, dog-friendly way to kill a bees nest?

In almost all areas there is a person willing to relocate bees, or even actively searching for hives to protect. If you google your area and bee relocation/hive relocation/something like that, you should be able to find someone who is willing to do this perhaps even for free! They are very valuable to the eco-system and CAN be relocated by professionals, but I would not attempt to do this or spray the hive yourself.

answered a question Can dogs smell their own farts?

Yep, and maybe even more than we can!

answered a question Why does my dog have eye boogers?

Just like humans, animals can also get eye boogers or "Rheum"- which is a collection of music, blood cells, skin cells, and/or dust! During the day we basically blink it away, but when we sleep (and dogs/cats sleep more throughout the day) it can accumulate.

Here's the wikipedia on it, pretty interesting actually! : )

Definitely keep an eye on any odd looking discharge or excessive discharge, but otherwise, occasional eye boogies are natural and normal.

answered a question Why does my dog sleep under the bed?

Great question! Your pup could be sleeping under your bed for a variety of reasons.
Just how over time a dog can establish his/her crate as a "safe space" where they can feel comforted, safe, and at home- dogs can establish other places as a "safe space" too! : ) Your dog may be trying to be closer to you and to have a sense of comfort with your presence. If this is a bother to you, or unsafe to your pup, you may want to establish a nice enclosed space near your bed where he or she could sleep instead.

answered a question How do I know if my dog is diabetic?

Your vet can let you know if your dog is diabetic and can give you a firm action plan for how to manage his diabetes if this is the cause of his change of appetite. That being said, sometimes dogs go through slight changes in appetite, if it is not drastic, you may be able to wait it out for a few days- but if your little buddy isn't eating, definitely pay the visitation charge and see the vet... it may be a simple fix.

answered a question What should I do if my dog keeps throwing up?

Please take your dog to the vet right away! They'll look into it and can let you know what is going on with her.

answered a question Do poodles shed?

Hi! Poodles do shed, but because they are a curly coated dog, a lot of the fur they shed gets caught in their curls and needs to be brushed out.
There are a lot of resourced online for information about grooming for poodles, but I found a fairly straightforward round-up of all of the information here:

Hope that helps!

answered a question How often should I bathe my dog?

Great question! This will vary depending on the activity level of your pet, their breed/coat, and your preference. Once every other month should suffice unless you have a dog with particularly oily skin or who is being treated with a prescription shampoo for a skin condition. If your dog goes for an adventure and ends up muddle, etc. you may need to do so more often. While a lot of people think that bathing a dog more often results in less of a "dog smell," it can sometimes dry a dogs skin out and cause it to overproduce oil to compensate- this can lead to "dog smell." My best advice would be to try every other month or so and see how it goes for your little buddy and then you can adjust. Some dogs may need bathed more or less often.

answered a question Is pedigree a good dog food?

Typically, the short answer to that is 'no.' There is a wealth of information out there regarding dog food, lots of opinions, lots of ideas, etc. I like to follow the reviews on, which rates food by content and quality. I compare reviews, and then I search online for reasonably priced 4 or 5 star foods. If you know your price range per pound, you can compare prices online at places like,, and more - some big box retail stores have 4 star food too!
My best advice would be to do a little bit of research to find a decent quality food, and then occasionally check to be sure the star rating has not gone down every few months or so. Sometimes manufacturers change the recipe without notifying consumers in any way.

answered a question Why is my dog limping?

If your dog is limping significantly, call your vet right away! In the meantime, you can inspect between his/her toes to check for any cuts or bloody foot pads. Occasionally, on long hikes on varying terrain, my dog has gotten slightly raw paws and limped slightly. You always want to rule out a more advanced injury though, and your vet could help you determine if something else might be wrong.

answered a question Is the pet first aid expensive

Great question! While locally our Red Cross offers this class, I have found my CPR/First Aid training through local dog training facilities done in small groups for much cheaper. Call around! We have a local doggy daycare and swim facility that hosts the classes as well as several local dog training facilities that hold classes a few times a year for about $50-$75.

Good luck!

answered a question My dog drank coffee, will he be okay?

If your pup had just a few sips of coffee, it's likely that they will be ok but should be closely monitored for increased heart rate or abnormal behavior. Keep in mind that additional science aside, dogs weigh less than humans, are not conditioned to caffeine, and it is not a normal part of their diet. Imagine a 70lb eight year old child drinking a whole cup of coffee- it would be not only excessive for their weight, their developmental level, and their digestive track- but could have additional consequences.

Try to be mindful of where you keep your coffee so that your dog cannot reach it, and keep an eye on your pup. If they begin excessively panting, pacing, or become lethargic, please call your vet or take them to your local clinic.

I think we've all had our dogs get into something they shouldn't once or twice- so don't completely beat yourself up about it... if your pup turns out to be ok, just be mindful in the future that this is not good for his/her health.

answered a question How do you trim a Yorkie at home?

Hello! I have trimmed my pup and other pups myself in the past, and for quick trims and upkeep, it hasn't been hard at all!

Typically I will use blunt edged (like kids scissors) scissors for both of our safety. I will comb the hair in the area I am about to trim so that it lays as it naturally would, and I will trim 1/8" at a time or so, re-combing throughout. In areas where the pup has thicker fur, I've used thinning scissors (the kind with the little steps in them between scissor teeth) to thin those areas out without damaging the undercoat.

Overall, I think it's doable for small trims, but if you need high quality grooming, you may want to look for groomers reviews in your area.

answered a question Can I put baby powder on my dog?

Baby powder can sometimes contain Talc, which can bother some dogs and especially should not be inhaled.
If you are looking for a way to improve the smell of your pup, consider researching essential oils that could be applied to the coat along with a little bit of coconut oil. If your dog has an oily coat, my instinct says that applying a bit of cornstarch would be a safer and cheaper way to add a bit of absorption to their coat- with less repercussions if they are to lick or inhale the powder.

For my pup, I will occasionally brush her with a handful of coconut oil with a tiny tiny drop of rosemary essential oil and it keeps her smelling fresh.

answered a question What is the best enzymatic cleaner?

Definitely Natures Miracle if you can afford it. If not, a combination of vinegar and baking soda washed away with warm water should do the trick in a pinch.

answered a question How should I cleanup after roadkill to prevent dogs from being attracted to the spot?

I would like to echo the suggestion to apply cat litter to the spot.
If you live in a dry area, the litter should absorb some of the smell, and then be dry enough that you could sweep away the area within a few days/a week to disburse the smell. In the meantime, it may be valuable to keep the dogs on leashes, at least until you pass the are and the smell is no longer a lure. As you sweep away the remnants, it should lesson their interest in it. After it is dry, as was previously mentioned, a douse of white vinegar may get the last of the smell up.
Unfortunately for those of us who hike outside of the city, these kinds of things happen- nature can be a bit brutal. Good luck and enjoy your hikes!

answered a question How do I get my Puppy to stop playing with shadows.?

Great question. First, if you have contact with a local in-home trainer, this would certainly be the best route for you. They'll be able to give you invaluable insight into her motivation to play with shadows, and how you may be able to deter her. Also, keep in mind that this may be a play behavior that she eventually grows out of. My other suggestion would be to make sure she is getting ample exercise throughout the day. If she's expended some energy either with you, with a dog walker, or with a trainer, she will be a more calm and focused state.

Good luck!

answered a question Why does my dog like to eat cat litter?

It is not uncommon for dogs to eat other animals feces, including indoor cats in a littler box. While there can be medical reasons a dog would eat the cats poop, ruling those out, it may be best for you to find a covered littler box that is not accessible to your dog. Cats also often LOVE having the privacy and it can make it a little easier to clean up when your kitty is not able to kick litter around. There are lots of store brand little boxes with lids, or you can use an upside-down storage box with a little kitty door opening.
If you feed your dog in the same room that you keep the litter box, you may also consider moving the box or the feeding ritual to another room.

If the problem persists, you may want to contact your vet by phone for some additional suggestions.

received badge  Editor (source)
answered a question Why does my dog chase his tail?

A quick and more expensive answer would be to tell you to consult a animal behaviorist or trainer.
But, for the sake of the Q&A, assuming the behavior is not problematic, it is very common for dogs to chase their tails. Playful dogs may find this as a fun activity to deal with over-excitement (think, self-regulation), or simply a fun activity to do now and then. An anxious dog may be chasing their tail due to generalized anxiety, fearfulness, or uncertainty. It can be a good thing to engage your dog while they are chasing and to bring them back to a human interactive game (fetch, find-the-treat, etc) if you are seeking to strengthen your bond with your dog.

answered a question Why does my dog eat my underwear?

This is a scent based reaction. While it may seem gross or strange to us, dogs communicate and understand largely through scent. It is not uncommon for dogs to eat socks, underwear, or even sweaty gym clothes in particular- or to really thoroughly lick those items or roll on them. If you can find a hamper that has a latch on it, or even place something with a little bit of weight (but not something that would be dangerous if it fell) on the lid of your hamper, your dog will be less likely to be able to get to and ruin your undergarments.

answered a question Watch Fifty Shades Darker Full Online Free?


answered a question Can i put coconut oil on my dog?

Yes you absolutely can! Just like a human, if you add it to your dogs food, you don't want to overdue it because excessive oil can lead to loose bowels, but a tbsp every other day or so could make a big difference in the shine and itch factor of your pups coat!

You can also apply coconut oil topically and if used sparingly it can lead to a nice shine to your dogs coat. Keep in mind that they are likely to lick it off though :)

received badge  Necromancer (source)
received badge  Necromancer (source)
received badge  Teacher (source)
answered a question Why does my dog stare at me?

Dogs can stare for a number of reasons: -Challenging you -Requesting from you (food, potty break, etc) -Curiosity

This list is in NO WAY exhaustive and it could be a number of things, a combination of things, or just because sometimes the things that we do seem 'strange' to a dog.
Think about it... How weird does using a toilet look to a dog? How strange is using a printer or a laptop when you're a dog?
Also, your dog may just love you ;) <3

answered a question How long will my dog be in heat?

Great question! Most dogs are in heat for 2-3 weeks, but this can vary from dog to dog. Be aware that a dog can and may bleed during heat and be proactive about protecting furniture, etc as well as protecting your dog from accidental pregnancy during this time and at all times if you do not want her to breed.

answered a question How hot is too hot for my dog?

My dog also likes to be warm, and it's true that your pet is likely to move out of the area if he/she is too hot. I'd keep an eye on the pad to be sure there's no chance of burns (keep a blanket between) and occasionally rotate a night or two without the pad.
It's quite possible that your dog has become accustomed more to the area the mat is kept and prefers to sleep in that area, or enjoys that the fabric holds some of his/her scent.
I see not harm in a pup who enjoys tropical temperatures, so long as they have access to water and the pad is used with safety in mind :)

answered a question Why does my dog eat acorns?

Great question! Try to limit your dogs consumption of acorns to prevent upset stomach and gastro issues. If possible, even when outside, provide a good stimulating chew toy for your dog to gnaw on. Sometimes dogs seek the sensory input and the soothing crunch, and need to work something through their teeth for dental health. Every dog is different, and some will have these behaviors for different issues. If a toy is not helping, you may want to give your vet office a call to see if they can offer some suggestions.

answered a question What's the best dog shampoo for dry itchy skin?

I agree with all of the other answers and think once you rule out dietary issues, if you are still searching for a topical solution, oatmeal can be great for dry skin. As opposed to sudsy oatmeal shampoos that can sometimes dry a pups skin out more, I will sometimes use steel cut oats I get from the health food store. I climb in the bath with my pup in my swimsuit and massage the oats through her fur with warm water. She enjoys the time connecting with me, and it makes bath time a positive thing because she's getting a massage at the same time!

Since this is a pretty time consuming process, if it isn't in the cards for you, reach out to some local Rover sitters in your area and see if anyone could help you shampoo and oat massage your pup. We're here to help! :)

answered a question How do you reject strangers who want to handle your dog?

This is a question I think all of us have had at one time or another. My dog is perfectly friendly, but I do not want the liability of strangers constantly approaching her. I will make direct eye contact and let them know "she is training right now, maybe another time" or "she is not feeling well". In my opinion, you do not owe anyone a further explanation, and those statements have come off only as upfront, and not rude. There are also velcro attachments for harnesses, collars, and leashes that state things like "DO NOT PET," etc. that I have used when walking shelter dogs whose history I am unsure of. These have worked GREAT and can be found on ETSY for relatively cheap.

answered a question What can I feed my dog?

Great questions! While it would be great to get advice on this topic from your veterinarian who specializes in canine nutrition, not all of us have that luxury at our disposal. I've found sites like Dogfoodadvisor dot-com to be very helpful in my search for an affordable but nutritionally sound food for my dogs. I search for at minimum a 4 star (hopefully 5) food that has meat as the FIRST ingredient and price match on sites like Chewy, Amazon, and in my local wholesale stores (I know some people have found 5-star foods as Costco, BJ's wholesale etc) for a well rated food that is in my price range. Currently I feed Eagle Pack: Power and am considering a switch eventually to raw feeding once I can find someone to advise me further on this and help me source locally.
It's a hard decision, and it's important for your dogs health, but your first step should be to invest a small amount of time into research on sites that have rated foods. Hope that helps! :)

answered a question How much exercise does my dog need?

Great question! While exercise needs will vary from dog to dog due to age, size, breed, etc. A good rule of thumb for a dog over a year old is indeed 30-45 minutes each day. Coincidentally, this is also a good recommendation for humans as well- so it's a great chance to spend some time with your dog!
Exercise is a great thing to vary and can be done via games, fetch, hiking, or a nice long walk each day.
Research suggests to limit long hikes or agility type training when a dog is a puppy and still growing. This is said to give them the appropriate resting periods between exercise in order to grow at a healthy rate. This topic is still being researched and there are strong arguments on both sides of the spectrum.