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answered a question What to do with anxious dog with separation anxiety?

I do little steps. Leave them alone for a short time, a couple of minutes, and then come back and don't make it a big deal. Repeat. And then slowly extend the time a little each time. You can find good articles on it but it is a slow process. I owned a dog that would chew through doors and it took nearly a year but he eventually was okay being alone for a good four or five hours. With the outside, I take them out with a favorite treat or toy and we sit outside and be calm until it's not so scary, maybe walk a little if they're up to it. Go slowly. Maybe a couple steps further next time. And I'll go during quieter times, like the middle of the day and ignore scary noises so when they look to me I don't give them any cues that it was significant. That's what's worked for me. Every dog is different. Hope that helps

answered a question Pet sitting and owner blocked me and won't respond, what should I do?

Sorry to hear about this! Was there a set end date? I would message the fiance again since you know he read your message and layout a timeline. Let them know that they need to figure something else out in the next two days(or whatever works for you) and if they haven't you will be dropping the dogs off at the humane society which usually does a 5-14 day hold for people to pick up their dogs. Tell them they have 24hrs to respond and after that you're making the call to schedule with the shelter and provide the shelter info and phone number for them. If you don't get a response, follow through, but make sure it is read first. Your dog shouldn't have to live in an unsafe environment and they should also be given a chance to pick up their dogs and know where they'll be if they can't. I wouldn't expect to get paid though :/