Brandie S.'s profile

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answered a question Why does my dog poop in the car?

It's probably an anxiety thing. I would definitely try to make sure they go #2 before getting in the car, maybe even drive down the road a few mins and then stop and let him walk it out before getting back in. My dogs always needs to go to the bathroom after we get done with our ride, even if it's a 10 min drive. It's just anxiety.

answered a question About how long until I get my first request?

Yes they can start booking now if everything is good to go and you're approved :) I had my first client lined up before the profile was approved so they were instantly booked once available. It took about 3 more weeks for the next guest to come across me. I would send out a lot of testimonial links for people you know to write reviews for you. It truly helps. It also helps if your rates are lower than others in your area. It'll catch new guests eye :)

received badge  Critic (source)
commented answer What can I do when a dog pees all over my house after owner said they were house broke?

Hi Jill! I literally pour the vinegar on the baking soda, and I pour generously. I rub the mix into the carpet and let it sit. I'll come back and look at it in about 30 mins, and might pour more vinegar on the baking soda remnants. In about an hour I'll vacuum the spot. So far I've had luck. :\

answered a question Is cesar food good for my dog?

This is not the healthiest choice of wet food you can give your pet. Currently I saw there's a recall going out for this brand as well, saying that plastic pieces have been found in the food. You might want to do some research about this.

answered a question Why does my dog grunt?

My dog grunts at me to get my attention. Normally it's because she wants to go outside or she wants me to wipe her face.( She's a Shar Pei so sometimes her wrinkles get dipped in the water and I have to wipe her face for her, lol ). IF the grunt is followed by some panting, it could mean they don't feel well and could have an upset tummy. If this is the case, check their stool to see if it's loose. If it's loose, I would recommend some organic canned pumpkin ( NOT pie filling ) , if the stool is fine, try some probiotic such as an organic PLAIN, non-fat yogurt ( I really like Nancy's ) that states probiotic on the container. This will help with settling the tummy. Plus probiotics are good for dogs to have on a regular basis anyways :)

answered a question What do I do if my dog has had diarrhea for 3 days?

I recommend trying to give your dog some fiber such as organic canned pumpkin ( NOT canned pumpkin pie filling ). You can find this in any grocery store next to the filling. ( just check to see which one you're grabbing ) This will firm up the stool. If it keeps persisting, I recommend a vet visit.

commented answer Why is my dog licking the air?

Sometimes they do it from stress and anxiety. You can also try to redirect this behavior with plenty of walks and play time that will reduce stress and keep their body and mind occupied.

answered a question Why is my dog licking the air?

Sometimes this is a sign of an upset tummy. I would recommend a probiotic, like a Non-fat Organic PLAIN Yogurt that says probiotic on it. "Nancy's" is a great one that i feed my dogs. You don't need a lot, please look online for measurements depending on your dogs weight.

There are other reasons as well, please check their teeth for any tooth pain. Sometimes this can cause the behavior. I recommend teeth cleaning from a vet once a year for preventative care once they're 3 years of age. If the probiotics don't help and they're not reacting to any touch with the teeth, I would see a vet if you're concerned.

answered a question What do I do if my dog is vomiting and has diarrhea?

Vet immediately. If it was just diarrhea I would say canned pumpkin, but with the vomiting in tow with it, I would recommend a vet visit. This is a symptom of poisoning ( not saying that's what's causing it, but i won't rule it out. ) It could be from something they ate.

answered a question Why does my dog scoot on her bottom?

I also would say that it's more than likely an anal gland situation. Normally when a dog passes a bowel movement they will express on their own. If they're plugged they won't express, or if they're having loose stool. If they're having mushy stool I would recommend canned pumpkin ( NOT pumpkin pie filling, but just canned pumpkin ) this will provide enough fiber to firm up the poo. If you don't notice a difference with the scooting, a lot of groomers will express them for you for a fee, or you can ask you vet to express them. Otherwise if they keep scooting it might express on your carpet. Just some ideas :)

commented answer Does archiving as "Customers' Plans Changed" affect the standing in searches?

And honestly I just feel like you're trolling the board.

commented answer Does archiving as "Customers' Plans Changed" affect the standing in searches?

Jill - I said I THINK that's the only thing that effects you. As in that's my thoughts. You didn't have to reply to my comment at all lol. You could have just made your own answer.

received badge  Necromancer (source)
received badge  Teacher (source)
answered a question What can I do when a dog pees all over my house after owner said they were house broke?

I usually consider new clients that have accidents are due to being in a new environment. I would be patient and clean the spot with baking soda and vinegar. And I agree with the answer above, I would mention it to the owner about the accidents just so they're aware. Is it a puppy? are they neutered? the marking could be a behavior thing too. You can always rent a carpet cleaner from most grocery stores to clean it so you don't have to get done professionally. I take this as a part of the job thing, and I haven't held an owner responsible for payment. ( Plus it might be really hard to get them to pay up ) Hope this helps!

answered a question Is it possible to watch a person's dog(s) without dropping in for 30 minutes each, or staying overnight?

Most of my clients are Boarding clients. Meaning I board them in my home only. I do offer walks and drop ins. But for those who want more than one or two drop ins a day I recommend boarding.

answered a question Does archiving as "Customers' Plans Changed" affect the standing in searches?

nope! the only time it effects you I think is if you select " I wasn't available".

answered a question How can I get the $20 off?

You should be able to add the promo code on your dashboard. There should be a spot on the left hand side that says Apply Promo Code. Do you have one already?

answered a question Pet first aid

I also completed mine on Udemy :) there's also a very awesome app you can download from Red Cross called Pet First Aid. It's got a lot of useful information about what to do in a lot of situations!

answered a question Why does my house smell like dog?

I would definitely wash all blankets the dogs have slept on. If you have furniture covers, I'd wash those too and give your dog a good bath. If you don't wash their bedding and just give them a bath they're going to start smelling quite quickly again. :) Can also use some pet safe essential oil diffusers in your house as well.

answered a question What can I give my dog for kennel cough?

the Anti-biotics are important. Kennel Cough is extremely contagious, so the best thing to do is call your vet and get her/him in asap.

answered a question CPR a good website to get certified ?

I also got certified in CPR and First Aid through Udemy. :)

commented question Why does my dog smell fishy?

Could be a UTI or an anal gland issue.

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commented answer Rover Pack Application no longer working?

I agree! I just asked a question about this actually.

received badge  Editor (source)
asked a question How do you get the extra badges?

I see some sitters have a "Home Inspection and Phone Screening Badge" or a "Rover Pack" Badge. How do you get one of these?

received badge  Notable Question (source)
received badge  Popular Question (source)
asked a question I want to be able to request vaccine history, does anyone else do this?

I'd like to make sure that all the dogs who come to my home have been fully vaccinated/on flea medications. Does anyone do this? Not sure how to request it. Do you require them to bring it on M&G so you have it ahead of time?

received badge  Famous Question (source)
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asked a question Is there a way to add additional costs after the stay is already in progress?

I had a last minute booking yesterday for an overnight stay ( literally an hour notice) for a puppy with the thought that they would be here to pick her up by noon today. I got an email at noon saying that their car broke down so now they have to catch a bus and they won't be able to pick her up til 6. I just got a message now, at 6, saying that they have to wait until 7 to get a rental car. So now I'm going to have her until probably around 8. I feel like I should have the opportunity to add an extra day or add on a cost for daycare since I wasn't expecting to have her so long...she's adorable.. but I feel taken advantage of.

received badge  Enthusiast
received badge  Taxonomist
commented answer Misrepresented dog?

I'm glad you were able to remedy this!

received badge  Supporter (source)
commented answer Where do you have your meet and greets?

I love this! I guess my boyfriend voiced a concern, and I don't blame him, about safety. But I guess that comes with the sitting. I just want to make sure that I'm being as safe as possible but still be providing excellent service.

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