Gina P.'s profile

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answered a question Dog I am watching (repeat client) has just chewed up my $100 dog I (try to) charge?

I had a dog completely destroy a kennel, even after the owner said he was kennel friendly. They only offered to replace it with one of their kennels that had missing bars from a dog chewing it. Sadly, if you want anything to be replaced from damages, you need to have your own pet insurance. I've called and asked. Ask for the owner to provide proper bedding for the dog from now on, this way its their property that gets damaged. And your things are locked away until the end of the stay.

answered a question Have you had a Bad Review posted on your profile?

I am going through this now. I have 26 good reviews, and this one bad review (no evidence was ever provided to confirm allegations), so I am concerned about losing clients. But Rover has assured me that one bad review can be overlooked if you have numerous good reviews and repeat clients that are satisfied with your care.

asked a question can i edit a review resonse?

I made a generic response to a review while an issue was being settled. Can I modify that review to add additional information? If so, how?