Hope S.'s profile

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answered a question Are animals racist?

It's based off of socialization. One of my dogs was abused my a black male soldier prior to our adopting her, we know this because she panics and growls at black males in their uniforms, but is fine in general with most other black males, and female soldiers.

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commented answer Do you have any tips for taking photos of dogs who move a lot? Also, is there a way to get videos I take of a dog uploaded to my past stays gallery?

Putting the treat towards your temple gives it the illusion the pup is giving the camera eye contact.

answered a question Do you have any tips for taking photos of dogs who move a lot? Also, is there a way to get videos I take of a dog uploaded to my past stays gallery?

My very best trick is to get a treat (whatever he likes), or even pretend you have a treat, get his attention focused on it, have your phone ready, and pull the treat to your temple and snap the photo. Often the attention with puppies will make them bouncy at first, but if he knows he gets treats when he "sits" he'll sit eventually. Good behavior gets rewards. -- Be sure to give him his treat afterwards though!

asked a question Is there a way to put details about a dog you're sitting on their profile so future sitters know what you've learned about them?

Is there a way to put details about a dog you're sitting on their profile so future sitters know what you've learned about them?

I'm dog-sitting a dog that is food aggressive, and generally just doesn't like dogs. He did fine outside & at the meet and greet, but as soon as his parents were gone inside he has been growling at my puppy, and 5 yr old dog. The puppy I get, the dog is an 8 year old medium/large breed with obvious arthritis and my puppy is, well, a puppy. But he displays aggressive behavior when both get near him. It's fine for now, it's a very short-term emergency stay so I'm not worried about me, but I'd like to be able to inform future sitters about the things I know about him, so they can decide it it's worth it to them.

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asked a question Is there a way to put details about a dog you're sitting on their profile so future sitters know what you've learned about them?

Is there a way to put details about a dog you're sitting on their profile so future sitters know what you've learned about them?

I'm dog-sitting a dog that is food aggressive, and generally just doesn't like dogs. He did fine outside & at the meet and greet, but as soon as his parents were gone inside he has been growling at my puppy, and 5 yr old dog. The puppy I get, the dog is an 8 year old medium/large breed with obvious arthritis and my puppy is, well, a puppy. But he displays aggressive behavior when both get near him. It's fine for now, it's a very short-term emergency stay so I'm not worried about me, but I'd like to be able to inform future sitters about the things I know about him, so they can decide it it's worth it to them.

commented question I have yorkie terrier that licks and scratches until his hair comes out in patches, does anyone know what I can do?

Make an appointment with your vet again. There's a new allergy med for animals that vets are just starting to use. It has all the same benefits that a steroid does, without being a steroid. Lots of pups around here switching.Ask about information on it, and if it's appropriate for use in your case.

received badge  Teacher (source)
commented question Request for Puppy Daycare?

owner knows that you typically take several pups in at once, and won't be doing that so as to not subject the pup to disease.

commented question Request for Puppy Daycare?

Yes, that's what I meant. Parvo can live in your yard up to 8 years (Yikes!). Puppies require more often outside trips, more on-top-of-them supervision, reinforcement of commands, etc. That said, I think you can reasonable charge $10-15 (or more, if your market supports it), especially if the owne

commented question Request for Puppy Daycare?

Honestly, I'd take the pup. Obviously charge more since you wouldn't want to bring in a dog that you didn't have 100% knowledge on health so, for the same reasons you're stating, the pup wouldn't get sick. Assuming also you've been in the place you're at and know the parvo history in your yard.