Audrey B.'s profile

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commented answer Advice on reviews?

Thank for that! I have started making thank you's using our cricut. So easy and I got fast responses from those I tested this with. Thanks again!

received badge  Famous Question (source)
answered a question My 6 month puppy nips in response to correction. Is this aggression?

Unless the pup is attacking you I don't believe this is aggression. There are a lot of questions to be asked when faced with a situation like this. Is it every time & for this particular command? How long has it been going on for? How far away are you when correcting? Are there other dogs in the home? A lot of factors can contribute to this unfortunately. Research might be in order or ask your veterinarian. My dog is almost 7 and still gives me attitude when correcting every now and then lol.

answered a question How do I get a tick off my dog?

Kristen C's removal process is correct, but before you do this- Take a cotton ball with alcohol/alcohol swab and wipe it before hand. This helps them seize up a bit so it's less likely the head will stay attached to your pup.

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commented answer Advice on reviews?

Thanks Walt!

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asked a question Advice on reviews?

I had a client leave their pup with me for a week, and they loved me! I am sure they just forgot to leave a review. What can I do to help remind them? Is that selfish? lol Please tell me. Any advice would be appreciated!

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