Anibel S.'s profile

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commented question Any suggestions on how to stop puppy mouthing and play biting?

Dont use your hands as a play toy. Only play with toys. They'll associate hands with toys forever and then always wanna bite. And yes, when they do bite the hand, always scream by saying a key word. Always use one word so it's consistent. But definitely stop using your hands as toys. Play only with toys.

commented question How do I keep my dog from sneaking on the couch while gone?

Like everyone else said, anything that will scare the dog when they get on the couch. Loud scary noises will work. Baking pans sounds like a great idea because it will make a lot of noise and theyll slip. I also recommend taking them to a trainer.

commented question How to get rid of fleas?

I live in Florida so I have flea and tick issues. I use baths for fleas and certifect for ticks. The certifect works on the fleas as well. Read the labels of the medicines and always ask your vet. Not all medicines work for all pets.

commented question Do English Bulldog puppies take longer than other breeds to house train?

It might be just this pup. Maybe he knows he is the baby of the house and he gets away with it. Training is something that has to be consistent from anyone caring for the dog. If you allow bad behavior one day and not the next, it won't work. Consistency is key.

commented question Does anyone feed their dogs Pedigree dog food? If so, have you checked it for the strange fibers that are imbedded in the food?

I do not feed my dogs pedigree. No matter what. They have had several recalls and they're imported. I don't trust it. One of my boys got super sick and pissed blood. Could have shut down his kidneys. I know it's cheaper but vet bills are not. Buy better food. Save the pup the pain and suffering and your pockets from vet bills that could have been prevented.

commented question Have you ever used a Thundershirt?

I am my dogs thunder buddy. Nothing really seems to help except me being there. I leave all the doors open on any stormy day so they can roam around as they please. It's the only thing I know that protects my doors from their claws. I also close my curtains all around so at least they don't see the flashes. Good luck.

commented answer What are the rules or restrictions involved with bringing a dog into the US?

You should check with your state specifics and then what homeland security says what documents they may need. Always call. These kinds of things change like the weather and it would be the best way to get all the answers. Start with your state animal affairs and then work your way up.

commented question Any experience with male dog "leaking" after urinating?

I'd say crate train and see if it stops. They seem to wanna hurry up and they didn't quite finish the job just so they can be with you. Leave him out longer or go out with them so they see you're still there.

commented question Are there durable, moisture-proof couch cushion covers?

I have a puppy that pees all the time..non stop. You're going to have to invest on plastic or tarp like material. Clean it often. It's uncomfortable but atleast it won't mess up the cousion. You can maybe look into an upolstery person and see if they know of any material they have used to reuploster furniture with.

commented question How long did it take you to establish regular clients?

I am with you on this one. I have had luck on other sites but not on this one. Keep on truckin' is what I say.

commented question Under weight Male Boxer?

He's afraid to eat. He is not the dominant one at home, that's for sure. Get him wet food. The best kind and then mix it with dry food. That should plump him up. But you'll still have to watch him as he eats. He won't get to eat unless you're around.

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commented question What is the best kind of crate to get for a small to mid-sized dog?

I agree with the other posts. Something they can grow into. Something you can make very homey for them. Just remember, that's their safe place. You can't punish the puppy to the crate, they'll associate crate to punishment. That's their sanctuary.

commented question How may i get my dog to get along with other dogs in my home?

Stand back and don't intervene. She's going to always be territorial. You should allow this Bc it is what they do to survive. However, you also need to relax and let it go as it may. Tell everyone else what your plan is so she can become social with other pets. You cant be nervous. Just sit, relax and observe.

commented question Why does my dog bark when my boyfriend gives me a hug or kiss?

He's protecting you. Since this has happened before, the dog can sense the anxiety and think he needs to continue to protect you. My dog does it to people i don't like or when I'm anxious in a situation. She's even attacked my mother, whom I adore. You're probably anticipating it and he can sense that stuff.

commented question What are good ways to introduce a dog to children?

I would work on this slowly. Have kids and their parents understand the project. Do you like kids? Pets can sense your fear or anxiety towards this project and try to protect you. Try getting people you trust and don't have them on a leash. Keep them roaming around with the kids. But just know they may snag on the kid if the kid plays rough.

commented question How to stop dogs from peeing in one area of the house?

They're all peeing there out of dominance. Apparently they're all in charge there. Lol. It's probably already in the wood. Have you tried to polish and paint the wood area? Tarnish it? Then maybe fence it out till it dries. Dogs have an amazing sense of smell and even more so for marking territories.

commented question Fencing recommendations?

It depends on your dogs. Are they huge or small? Will they clear a fence in a leap or no way? Will they knock it down? You have to start with what will they do and then think size and material. I have a girl that will clear a 10 foot metal fence ans she's a tiny thing. She looks like a mountain lion climbing it but she makes it up and leaps down like if nothing.

asked a question How do i get more people to hire me on this site?

I have tried everything and to no avail. Please help :)

commented question How do you stop a dog from digging?

Try to break the habit. Try loud noises every time they start to dig. Try playing with them when they start. Definitely don't give them food to stop them. They consider that a good thing.

commented question How do you handle a dog constantly barking?

The pup sounds like they are lonely and bored. I say take them to the park. Get them lots of exercise. They are just hyper. They need to get used to the surroundings of where they live so they understand the sounds.

commented question Dog Birthday Celebration

I have had the pleasure of attending some dog parties. You can always buy supplies at party stores but just keep in mind if you invite any pups that might eat any of the decor. And as far as snacks, you can make them yourself and of course don't forget about the puppy parents.