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answered a question How do I keep my dog from sneaking on the couch while gone?

Large metal trays (like baking sheets) will also work. You can even put mouse traps UNDER the baking sheets so they make a loud scary noise when the pups jump on the couch! Make sure to secure the traps such that they wont hurt your pup!

answered a question Does anyone really brush their dog's teeth?

Vet Student here - looks like you've gotten plenty of answers and hopefully some motivation to brush your pets teeth. I do brush my dog and cats teeth because I know it'll make them happier, healthier and live longer. From working at clinics, I've seen many dogs who have tooth root abscesses (very gross, liquidy, inflammed/swollen infected tooth root) with a giant swollen bump under their eye and are unable to eat due to the pain - this can be prevented by brushing their teeth! I believe there is also a correlation between heart disease (murmurs) and bad dental disease. with dental disease, bacteria in your mouth has direct access into the blood stream. The bacteria can lodge into little kinks in the vascular system (heart and blood vessels), causing murmurs and a shortened life span!

One last thing to add - while dental treats and water additives are wonderful for dogs who refuse to have their teth brushed, the mechanical action from using a tooth brush to scrape off plaque and tartar will give the BEST RESULTS in preventing dental disease. Just remember its GOOD to give dental treats BETTER to give food/water additives and BEST to brush! Hope this helps!

answered a question How to stop dogs from peeing in one area of the house?

Hey there! Here are my suggestions: 1) Have you tried a repellent spray such as "Nature's Miracle Pet Block Deterrent Spray"? Honestly I would try this as more of a last resort and try the following tips first - 2) Block off that area ASAP - put a box, crate, anything! It just needs to be there temporarily to break their habit. 3) You should revisit some potty-training. Have them on a schedule where you are going outside with them first thing in the morning, after coming back from work and before going to bed - all for dogs, either 1 or 2 at a time to make sure they pee outside! If they pee, give a high-value treat (this is called positive reinforcement) every time. After a week weeks, you can start giving treats just occasionally after they go to the bathroom outside. 4) If you have a dog or two that aren't passing the "potty training", crate them when they're not under direct supervision. Of course make the crate a happy and comfortable place for them to be, but they also wont pee in there or have the chance to pee in the spot. Everytime he/she comes out of the crate, they must go straight to the bathroom. If they dont go to the bathroom outside, back into the crate and try again in an hour! 5) If one of them really isnt responding - it may be time to take them to the vet and get a check up, bloodwork and urinalysis to make sure the kidneys urogenital system is healthy.

I hope this helps. Good luck!