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commented question If the owners request that you drive the dog to a nearby park that takes 7 mins drivetime each way, does that count towards the 30 min walk and when do you start the rover card?

I still don't have a good option for this situation. I don't feel comfortable requesting cash from the customer for gas & by the time the owner comes to the door & chats for as long as I listen, then load up and drive slower than normal so the dog doesn't get tossed around a 30 min is over 1 hr.

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asked a question If the owners request that you drive the dog to a nearby park that takes 7 mins drivetime each way, does that count towards the 30 min walk and when do you start the rover card?

If the owners request that you drive the dog to a nearby park that takes 7 mins drivetime each way, does that count towards the 30 min walk and when do you start the rover card? I start it when I pick the dog up but it miscalculates our walking distance etc.?