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answered a question How can I get my dog to stop eating poop?

I ran across this tip when my pregnant girl started eating poop, some strange pregnant craving. I knew it was only our other two dogs going in our yard so when I read that feeding a dog some pineapple would curb the muncher and it worked!! The acid in the fruit does something that makes it displeasing to the eater. They actually make this fancy new spray that's suppose to work as well.

commented question Why does my dog pee so much?

Excessive urination in a dog can be minor to serious. If it started to progressively happen more and more it can be a simple UTI or if excessive drinking follows it could be more serious like diabetes. Best to check with your vet, they'll be able to give you sound advice

answered a question Flakey Client part 2?

It can be uncomfortable asking for their address to set up a meet and greet but in all honesty, you can read people so much better in their own environment as well as their pet. I would think it more stressful meeting in a busy park or somewhere else. Especially if your going to be spending alone time in their home. They may have special towels the never use and now you've cleaned those muddy paws perfectly. You know little things like that. I required to meet in person or family when I was breeding pugs...and their were times I would NOT give my babies to families. I felt it in my guts and couldn't in good faith let them take a baby of mine. It is uncomfortable, awkward meeting strangers but if you hit it off, dog is great well it was worth it 😁