Kelsie W.'s profile

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answered a question Is my dog too skinny?

Great way to get an idea of if your dog is at an appropriate weight is by determining their BCS ( Body Condition Score) this can be done by evaluating the excess fat and flesh over the back, tail-head and ribs. An ideal body condition score is around 4-5

answered a question How to handle a booking when owner wants to change time?

You can always charge an additional fee! You also can always stay firm on your polices! This is your business and if you have time constraints and make them known it is up to the Owner to follow those.

answered a question What to charge for half a day of house sitting??

You can always modify the stay request amount based on our clients needs! This can be done in the stay details under modify request! There you can adjust amounts and the stay price :)

answered a question Do you give discount for client who needs multiple drop-in visits per day for a week or more of vacation?

As a independent contractor this is completely in your control! Some sitter's do others do not!

answered a question Flakey Client part 2?

Addresses are released only when stays are booked for privacy of both parties! Meet and Greets are a great way to meet on neutral ground so would promote a safe location. Otherwise you can just reach out and ask for the location and if it is there resident ask for the address. : )

answered a question How do I get past step 2 in emergency contact screen. I've already put in contact names and phone numbers?

Make sure all fields are completed and have the appropriate number of characters and data! If you need additional help call Rover Support :)

commented answer Can dogs catch the flu from an owner?

Nope! The human flu cannot be transmitted to canines and vice versa. Types of worms and fleas however can be transmitted!

answered a question Is there a way for sitters to communicate with other sitters concerning a "difficult" dog?

At the end of the stay you will be asked to add comments and review the dogs in your care! This feedback is for Rover employees and they review all dog profiles for safety concerns

answered a question Charge by day instead of night?

Boarding stay are charged on a night basis Day care is charged by a 8 hour basis Drop in charged on a visit basis House sitting charged by a night basis

In regards to Rover standards but you can adjust and change them as you specify with your clients :)

answered a question can you bring your own dog with you on a house sit?

No unless specified by the owner with consent.

answered a question What can you use to wash your dog?

Baby shampoo is a great tearless alternative as well dog grooming products. An oatmeal or medicated conditioners are great for dry skin, itching and shedding control!

answered a question How do I get a tick off my dog?

Always ensure during tick removal to remove the Head of the tick. Tick's can continue to live beneath the skin without their bodies for many days. Should you be concerned contact your local Vet and seek additional guidance, care and prevention

answered a question What is the best dog park in Seattle?

MaryMoore Park in Redmond, WA 15 min outside Seattle is a great dog park! I have always been weary as my young pup has gotten attacked and the MaryMoore off leash dog park is huge! There is enough space that should it be a busy day dogs are not on top of each other. Most owners are very responsible and dogs are friendly. There are even areas where the dogs can go swimming and a dog wash. Extra balls, poop bags and great terrain.

commented question How can I tell if my dog is sick?

Monitoring bowel movements and bathroom breaks are great indicators if something is wrong. It also doesn't hurt to be aware of the parameters of normal vital signs such as HR, Temperature, & Respiration Rate. Should your dog be acting extremely lethargic and spending a lot of time alone -call ur vet

commented question How do I cancel a booking due dog getting sick?

You can cancel the stay via the booking page on the Rover Stay or messages! You can also call Rover Support at [Edit: Rover’s contact options have changed. Visit the Rover Help Center at to find the phone number, help articles, or chat with the team] if you need additional assistance to adjust the refund policy!

answered a question How do I handle overnight bookings where the stay is longer than 24 hours and the customer did not book daycare ?

Hi ya, I would recommend a stay extension or adjusting your price to be sure you are compensated for your time. Be careful though as to not having an additional stay booked will not be covered by insurance should a incident occur.

Best of luck!

commented question Why does my dog pee on plastic bags?

Cats and dogs often pee on plastic bags or white fabric as a way of marking on a substance that is otherwise odorless. This can be for many reasons either to explore their own scent or promote someone/something else to pick up the odor. Should this be a routine seek your local vet and ask about UTIs

commented question Why does a dog lick like it has "cotton mouth"?

Excessive licking the air is commonly a response to a dog that suffers from anxiety and a self soothing technique. Although can be annoying does not have any negative impacts other than the occasional hiccups.

commented question Golden Retiever vs Labrador Retriever. Why one over the other?

Although both retrievers, Labradors and Golden's were bred for different purposes this enhancing certain personality traits. Golden's although a sport dog tend to be less energetic than labradors. Labradors were originally bred to be sport ad hunting dogs and may have higher energy levels.

commented question Why does my dog bark all night?

Dogs bark to get a reaction and to get attention. Do not give in! Should your dog bark for 3 hours and then you acknowledge them you are giving them what they want. Next time they will bark for 6 hours because they eventually know they will get attention. Try to keep them busy with long lasting chew

commented question How can I get my dog to stop eating poop?

Getting a dog to stop eating poop can be a challenge especially for young pups. To avoid this make sure you are picking up any poop seen in your yard and supervise them on walks. Eating feces of another dog can lead to worms that can be passed on to other animals and even humans.

commented answer Why does my dog eat grass?

Dogs eat grass for many reasons! Sometimes it can be due to a lack of mineral the dog is lacking or to ease an empty stomach. Grass can induce vomiting allowing the dog to throw up and feel better. If you are concerned by this activity ask your local vet as there may be something else going on !

commented question Staying at different locations this week, is it bad or stressful for my dog?

Relocation and a change in enviroment can definitely be stressful for your pup. Especially in the event that your dog grows anxious while you are away or left unattended. This can also lead to destructive behavior and change there feeding and bathroom schedule--- leading to loose stool or diarrhea