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asked a question Is there a way to contact all my regulars with a text to remind them to book early for holidays?

Is there a way to contact all my regulars with a text to remind them to book early for holidays? I like to text my regul...

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asked a question How can you score care givers on repeat clients who come from far away?

My Repeat Score is only a 67 and I have all 5 star reviews. I have to argue this a little - I live in an area where I get lots of people visiting San Diego and OC and need a place to leave their pets either for daycare or the entire vacation due to the hotels not letting them have pets. It's hard to re-book a client who is only visiting for a week or weekend. I do have some Los Angeles and Phoenix regulars who come a few times a year, but this is not the norm and I feel it is unfair to grade us on something we have no control over. Thank you.

commented answer pick up and drop off times

I feel your pain. Most of my clients are either late dropping off or late picking up. My life is very scheduled and it's difficult to have to wait hours for people who know they have not paid for my extra services and there is nothing I can do about it.