Haley C.'s profile

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answered a question Can I use Neosporin on my dog?

Yes, Neosporin is dog friendly! Just make sure that he or she does not lick his/her wounds.

commented question Why does my male dog hump my leg?

Is he neutered?

answered a question Can I get tapeworm from my dog?

Nope! Humans are safe from tapeworm. However, make sure that your dog is not in contact with other dogs until treated. To find out more, click on the link below

https://vcahospitals.com/know-your-pet/tapeworm-infection-in-dogs (https://vcahospitals.com/know-your-pe...)

received badge  Popular Question (source)
commented question Does anyone really brush their dog's teeth?

http://www.inquisitr.com/4309237/do-you-brush-your-dogs-teeth-this-vet-says-you-should/ Here is an article regarding this topic.

answered a question Why does my dog skin smell bad and itch?

Your dog may have a condition called Mange. It is a highly contagious condition caused by parasitic mites and is zoonotic, meaning that it can be transferred from animals to humans. Although Mange is not drastic, I would still recommend minimal physical interaction with your dog, washing his or her bedding separately from your other laundry, and most importantly, calling your veterinarian immediately. in order to decide which treatment would best fit your dog. Best of luck and I hope your dog gets better!

answered a question Why does my dog shake her head so much?

After working at a veterinary hospital, the most common cause of head shaking are ear mites. You could tell by looking at your dog's inner ear and finding reddish brownish crust. Most forms of ear mites are bacterial, so be sure to ask your veterinarian for a gel or liquid ear mite solution. They can come in the form of drops, gel, or cream. You can also clean your dog's ears to prevent any further infections or buildup.

answered a question Why is my dogs head shaking?

After working at a veterinary hospital, the most common cause of head shaking are ear mites. You could tell by looking at your dog's inner ear and finding reddish brownish crust. Most forms of ear mites are bacterial, so be sure to ask your veterinarian for a gel or liquid ear mite solution. They can come in the form of drops, gel, or cream. You can also clean your dog's ears to prevent any further infections or buildup.

answered a question Why does my dog shake his ears?

After working at a veterinary hospital, the most common cause of head shaking are ear mites. You could tell by looking at your dog's inner ear and finding reddish brownish crust. Most forms of ear mites are bacterial, so be sure to ask your veterinarian for a gel or liquid ear mite solution. They can come in the form of drops, gel, or cream. You can also clean your dog's ears to prevent any further infections or buildup.

received badge  Critic (source)
asked a question What is the best type of muzzle to use on a bracycephalic dog?

My boyfriend has a Shih Tzu with conjunctivitis and needs eye drops twice a day. However, just like any dog, he does not like the eye drops and gets nippy when restrained. I've been looking around for muzzles for short snouted dogs, but the only ones I could find cover both the snout and the eyes. Does anyone have any recommendations regarding bracycephalic muzzles? Help would be much appreciated.

answered a question How can I obtain more badges for my profile?

You can gain badges by being experienced in first aid, going through more extensive background checks, and completing the Rover 101 course and quiz. Best of luck!

answered a question Why does my dog itch constantly?

Itching could be due to a variety of factors such as allergies, rashes, infections, etc. Fleas and ticks are especially prevalent around this time of the year. I would recommend consulting your local veterinarian!

received badge  Famous Question (source)
answered a question Can I search for jobs?

Unfortunately, http://Rover.com only allows potential clients to search for sitters. There is no search feature for sitters to search for clients, so you must be patient and wait for the clients to find you. However, you can improve our rankings in the search results by responding quickly to clients, earning badges for your profile, keeping your calendar up to date, and creating a unique and eye catching profile. For more in-depth information on how to do so, please visit the following link:

https://support.rover.com/hc/en-us/articles/202838454-How-do-I-improve-my-position-in-search-results- (https://support.rover.com/hc/en-us/ar...)

Good luck!

received badge  Supporter (source)
answered a question Why does my dog have only one testicle?

Your dog may have a condition called Cryptorchidism, which means that your dog may have a retained testicle. I would recommend consulting your veterinarian regarding the severity of the issue, as well as the treatment.

commented answer Do you need to set up a paypal account in order to get paid?

Thank you, I've decided to create a paypal account yesterday.

received badge  Notable Question (source)
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asked a question Do you need to set up a paypal account in order to get paid?

I am new to Rover and I am still learning about the payment methods. I do not have a paypal, and I manage my money via PNC online banking. I used my PNC card to pay for the Rover background check. Do I need to set up a paypal account or will the owner's payments be added to my PNC card?