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answered a question My dog chews everything - how do I get him to stop?

I would recommend purchasing a bitter apple spray or another dog taste deterrent, and then work on training using positive reinforcement. If they are chewing it's best to interrupt the behavior by making a loud noise to change their focus and then give them an acceptable chew toy and praise them when they chew on the toy to associate toys with good behavior. If your dog is a chewer it's important to make sure that you are buying appropriate toys and natural chews for your dog to stimulate their need to chew. Plush toys will most likely be destroyed quickly- but toys like the Kong Extreme are much more durable. Another alternative are natural chews like the Himalayan Ruff Root, No-Hide (an easily digestible safer alternative to rawhide), water buffalo horns or elk antlers.

answered a question Can i put coconut oil on my dog?

You can, you just want to make sure that it is organic! It's likely your dog will want to lick it off because they enjoy the taste which is totally fine! Another alternative is to mix it into their food- it's an excellent source of essential fatty acids that helps to support their skin and coat. When you mix it into their food you can also avoid having a greasy dog!

answered a question Why does my dog smell so bad?

Bad breath can be caused by dental diseases and shouldn't be taken lightly as it can be painful or eventually life-threatening to the dog. Dental treats such as whimzees or brush-less can help improve bad breath - but you definitely want to make sure that it is not caused by an underlying dental disease.

Skin diseases and ear infections are two other possible causes of bad dog odor that you shouldn't take lightly. If you are regularly washing your dog (careful not to over bathe as you can strip their coat of its natural oils) and you still are having problems with smell its best to see a vet and make sure they are not experiencing any type of bacterial or yeast infections.