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answered a question How do you handle dog whining or barking in the middle of the night?

Although initially you may experience plenty of sleepless nights, it is better to ignore any barking or whining at night from the get go. As long as your dog is comfortable, it will come to no harm and this attention seeking behaviour should only last for a short time.

If the barking or whining is persistent, quietly make your way down to the closed door and give a firm command of quiet through the door. Do not open the door until your dog has calmed down and is being quiet. When this occurs, open the door and give them lots of praise and cuddles.

answered a question How often do dogs need baths?

General Dog Bathing Guidelines. I recommend you bathe a dog with normal skin once a month with dog shampoo or human baby shampoo. If you want to bathe more often than once a month, use a soap-free or moisturizing shampoo to prevent the skin from becoming dry.

answered a question Why does my dog scratch the floor?

A dog that scratches the floor is attempting to dig a hole. Wild dogs depend on holes to keep them safe and protected from heat or cold temperatures. This instinct does not leave a dog just because it's an indoor pet. Dogs may also circle the area where they scratch before lying down.

answered a question Why does my dog sleep at my feet?

A dog who sleeps at your foot is yielding to you as the leader of the pack. When your dog takes over the bed, as many do, he is challenging your leadership of the pack. That is when you must exert your dominance. Remember, dogs are pack animals and every dog has his place in the pack, including where to sleep.

answered a question Why does my dog have the hiccups?

Dog hiccups are normally harmless and rarely serious. They are caused by spasms of the diaphragm that are triggered by excitement, eating too fast, irritants or stress. Dog hiccups are so common some veterinarians think that they are “growing pains".

answered a question Why does my dog eat paper?

: Dogs usually eat facial tissues because they are bored, have pica or are simply hungry. Puppies explore their world by chewing on it and may develop a paper-eating habit for the texture or to gain their owners' attention. Pica and eating for hunger often exacerbate this problem

answered a question Why does my dog roll in the grass?

Some predators — and dogs are a predatory species — like to roll in certain smells. The speculation behind this particular behavior is that the new smell helps to disguise their scent from their prey.

answered a question Why does my dog bark at night?

Boredom. Dogs become bored easily when they have nothing to do, and will make their own fun. Barking at every sound they hear, joining in with the neighbor dogs in a group barking session, or just barking to let out energy are all reasons behind night barking. Loneliness.

answered a question My dog sleeps all the time, is that a bad sign?

Adult dogs can sleep for as much as 12 hours out of 24! Dogs sleep more than we do, they also wake more frequently, so they tend not to get a long period of unbroken sleep. As they age, dogs can naturally sleep more, but if they’re sleeping excessively, it can be an indication of a health problem.

answered a question Why does my dog lick my wounds?

Your dog means well when it tries to lick your wounds. He's loving you as a mommy pup licks her babes sores, trying to clean them.

answered a question Why did my dog pee on me?

As crazy as it sounds, most dogs will mark their territory, even a person at some point. LOL. Stress or changing environments can kick it up a notch.

answered a question How to cut to the quick on dark-nailed dogs?

Use your fingers to separate the toes for clipping and hold the paw gently. Use a pair of blunt edged children's scissors to remove excess toe hair: nothing dulls clippers quicker than cutting hair! Remember, no dog ever died from a quicked toenail. If you “quick” your dog accidentally, give a yummy treat right away.

commented question Why does my dog bark at night?

Boredom. Dogs become bored easily when they have nothing to do, and will make their own fun. Barking at every sound they hear, joining in with the neighbor dogs in a group barking session, or just barking to let out energy are all reasons behind night barking. Loneliness.

commented question Why does my dog lick my wounds?

Your dog means well when it tries to lick your wounds. He's loving you as a mommy pup licks her babes sores, trying to clean them.

commented question Why did my dog pee on me?

As crazy as it sounds, most dogs will mark their territory, even a person at some point. LOL. Stress or changing environments can kick it up a notch.

commented question My dog sleeps all the time, is that a bad sign?

Adult dogs can sleep for as much as 12 hours out of 24! Dogs sleep more than we do, they also wake more frequently, so they tend not to get a long period of unbroken sleep. As they age, dogs can naturally sleep more, but if they’re sleeping excessively, it can be an indication of a health problem.

commented question Why does my dog bark at other dogs?

The more your dog is able to bark and lunge, the more likely that he'll do it next time. After all, it does keep other dogs away. A dog that walks directly toward another dog is considered rude, or even a threat, in the doggy world.