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answered a question Why does my dog poop all the time?

Is it possible that you are feeding to much? Or maybe try feeding a specific times of the day. I've found that my dogs will use the bathroom about thirty minutes to a hour after they have eaten.

answered a question Why does my dog shake in the car?

I would bet they are just nervous, anxious or excited. In my experience my dog would shake because he knew we were going somewhere fun where he could run free and was just really excited.

commented question Why does my dog eat dead worms?

My dogs will eat bugs too! Not sure if the dead part has anything to do with it but might just think they are tasty? I'm assuming the dog isn't hungry from lack of food.

answered a question Why does my dog dig holes?

Lots of different reasons.. I've found dogs digging mostly because they are trying to find a cool spot to lay. Gets really hot here where we live!