
What incentives are you offering returning clients??

I have been Dog sitting for about 9 months and have only had a few repeat stays. I would like to offer some sort of incentive for clients to re-book stays. Any ideas or help full tips?

4 Answers

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I don't offer discounts or incentives to my returning boarding clients, I let my service speak for itself. I do offer a discount for visits over 5 days, and that seems to be acceptable to my clients. Like Laura, some of my repeat clients go a long time in between visits, so I don't really see the need to entice them to come back. I have only recently been offering walks and daycare, so I may offer some sort of "frequent client" incentive if that business picks up.


I offer walking and drop-in visits, and wanted to "reward" my repeat clients by offering discount days....such as "Walking Wednesdays" for a certain month....a discount off of all walks booked on Wednesdays for (lets say May). I would message ALL my clients about the discount I'm offering to get the in-active clients on board (hopefully), while maintaining client loyalty at the same time. I haven't done this yet (my hubby thinks I'm insane for thinking of this) but I really would like to try this.


Mary: Here's an idea you might consider instead, March Madness (March incentives). Because if you offer walking deals on only 4 days(Wed.) in a month, you may get overbooked to the point where you think your legs will fall off.

LOL Deb! I don't have enough clients to worry about overbooking. I would only allow one walk per client per discount day, so I think I could handle it. I usually have Wednesdays free so that's why I picked Wednesday.


I think certain types of services are more likely to garner repeat clients. Walks and daycare tend to be more frequent needs while overnight bookings/ and multiple daily visits tend to be more variable. Unless a client takes frequent dog-free vacations or travels for work, their need for a sitter won't necessarily be regular. I think the best thing you can do to encourage repeat bookings is to give excellent customer service during their first stay. Some of my repeat clients use me a few times per year; others have gone more than a year between bookings. I just got a repeat request from a family who doesn't even live in this area because they're back in town visiting and they were happy with my services last year. Always end your stays by telling the owners how glad you were to spend time with their dog(s) and how much you'd love to watch them in the future.


From past stays, you could message them (personalize each one with you'd love to see their Rover again) and offer an incentive if book another stay by (insert date before peak season). Then when they request a stay, you can send a custom quote to reflect what you offered.

I also agree w/Laura's comments. Although there are a lot of incentives you can offer (discounts, goody bags, etc.) All I offer my clients is the best service I can. Further, several clients have told me that's all they want or need - they don't want a discount as they agree my rate is fair and they don't want me to spend $ purchasing items for their dog (beyond the customary approved treats that I stock such as baby carrots).