
How do I house/pee pad train my problem Doxy?

I got a rat terrier about 10.5 yrs ago and a Dashound about 10 years ago. The rat terrier house trained very easily - not so with the doxy. I put the dogs in a dog room, while I am at work, with pee pads. the ratty will hold until I get home - she is perfect. The Doxy used to use a pee pad, but now she poops and pees all over. She has always eaten her poop, which I can't seem to stop, but I am so tired of cleaning up after her!!. I put her in a smaller dog box - they won't go where they sleep- but she does, and by the time I get home I have a contained mess. Any tips I can try?

2 Answers

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The fact that your dog used to use pee pad and no longer does makes me think perhaps this needs to be discussed with her vet to rule out any medical issues as a physical issue could be behind the change in behavior. I'd also mention the eating feces issue, so the doctor has all information to consider. That may be unrelated, but also could have medical basis.


Have you tried using a diaper? We got our Dachshund when she was 10 and not potty trained. It's been an ongoing battle, but the diapers help her "hold it" because I don't think she wants to pee in them. You could also try crate training so it's easy to clean when she does have an accident. Dogs also don't like to pee where they sleep so you might want to reduce the size of the space you leave her in while you're gone.