
What determines the sitter order on a search?

When I search to see what other sitters are in my area, the ones at the top of the list are not the ones closest to me geograhically. I don't see where the number of reviews or repeat customers makes a difference. My name is on the second or third page, when I'm closest to the searched zip code. What determines the order in which sitters are presented to pet owners?

1 Answer

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That is a magic formula, closely guarded by; however, here are some things that factor in:

1) New sitters get a boost

2) Photos posted during stays

3) Requests answered quickly

4) Stays that don't work out archived quickly

5) Rating

6) Reviews

Also, when searching for yourself, be sure you are searching for dates you show yourself as available on your calendar and that you are searching for dogs that fit the requirements you have set.

Finally, I have found that searching for my own ranking is an exercise in frustration. Sometimes I am the first person listed in my area and sometimes I can't find myself at all. All we can do is our best, and trust that everything will work out positively.