
Help--My dog wont eat dry food anymore?

I had to give my dog chicken and rice for a few days and now she will not eat the dry kibble. It's been a day and a half and I'm starting to get nervous.


I know this can be evidence of a UTI in cats, I'm not so sure if there's any crossover.

Chicken and Rice is fine, but a hassle to cook with. I also try mixing Canned Pumpkin plain no seasoning. Mixed with Kibble. Ratio for kibble two to one. I also use Organic chicken broth. It helps to get the vet to check out your pets digestive system.

Sometime dog gets boring on the same food given everyday, for changing flavor of (dog food), you may try providing human food especially fried foods, liquid victuals like rice gravy to change his eating mood.

Research has shown kibble and dried food is very bad for dogs and cats. If you have given them fresh foods , they instinctively know that is better for them and does not want to eat what is bad for them. Can i suggest you research about this. They are meat eaters .

11 Answers

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If you have ruled out sickness then there a number of reasons that could be making your dog not to eat such as behavior issues, dental problems, change in routine, worms breeding activity etc. There is an infographic with all the reasons that could be making your dog not to eat dog food and what to do about it. You can read about it here


Try mixing wet food and dog food together. Put more wet food than dog food.


My eldest dog did this to me when I first rescued her, I think we went through 8 different brands of kibble before she'd finally eat more than a few bowls of it. In between some switching of brands she'd get canned food or meat treats and would refuse to eat the kibble and instead look for the meat. To get her to eat the kibble she'd shown interest in I would soak it in chicken or beef broth and add some meat for a while and gradually took it out until she ate it on her own, now I treat the dogs to "dinner noms" where I add carious things like canned food, left overs they can have, veggies, broth, raw meat, etc. Any picky eaters I've dealt with in the past I simply add cooked and shredded meat, never had one turn it down. Sometimes it's a sickness too, they just feel crappy and don't want to eat just like humans. If the dog is acting odd outside of just ignoring her kibble then there might be something else going on. Pooping good? No bad breath worse than normal? No obvious took issues? Normal energy level? Etc, look at the whole picture. If the dog still refuses to eat switch the food, maybe she's bored with the taste. mine get switched different meat bases within the same brand to change the taste up a bit, that happens every month when I have to get more kibble.


I'd add some water to the food or chicken broth. Whenever I have nervous dogs at my house and they won't eat the owner suggests I do that and then go back to eating their food again.


Chicken broth is good, but my little man hates dry food, so we've added a big spoon of fat free cottage cheese (5 years now). He would NOT eat dry, no matter how long it sat there.

Did you add the cottage cheese to dry food & your dog eat it?


I had a similar situation. I tried mixing the wet and dry dog food together, slowly weaning him off the wet food. You can also add some warm water to the dry food to soften it up. One other thing I would suggest if it continues, is to check with your vet to make sure your pup doesn't have an abscessed tooth or something going on with their gums.


Try wetting the dry dog food with water.


yse, try dry food with water or any other liquid


Agreed about switching over slowly. Usually my dogs will just go back to their regular diet after having to be on a special diet. Probably not the best thing to do, but sometimes to "sweeten the deal", I have mixed torn up pieces of treats or a little parmesan cheese or something like that into their dry food for a few days until they get back into the habit. Good luck!


Definitely switch her over gradually by replacing a 1/4 of her meal with the dry food and increase over the course of 2 weeks or so depending on age and GI function. If she is having loose stools, you may need to switch her over at a slower rate. If she has already been switched over, try adding a little water to her food to soften it . If she's older and has bad teeth, she may be experiencing pain when eating the dry stuff.

If you want to pamper your pet, you can always make your own broth by getting fresh bones from the butcher at your grocery store and letting it boil in water over a long period of time, can/store it and call it a day. Do not add pepper, salt, garlic or onions to your broth.


We actually feed our dogs chicken, rice, and veggies on a regular basis. When we have guest dogs stay over, they always want to eat our dogs' food and won't eat their own dry food. Funny enough, even our picky dog will pass on his chicken and rice to eat another dog's dry food. Your dog probably doesn't want to eat the dry food because the chicken and rice tastes/smells so much better. I would try mixing the food, gradually increasing the amount of dry food and decreasing the amount of chicken and rice. Or one thing we try with our guest dogs, after getting permission from their owners, is to pour a little bit of chicken broth over the dry food. It will taste and smell more like chicken but will still be the dry food. We have had great luck with this!

If that doesn't help, maybe try switching dog foods. It could be that the food your dog has been eating is too rich or the dog may even be bored with this brand/taste of that particular food.


Agreed with Carmen. Whenever you're switching diets, it's advisable to make the change gradually rather than all at once to avoid GI upset. I'm assuming the chicken and rice diet was a bland diet to combat GI issues, so it's especially important to make the transition back to a normal diet slowly.

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