
What tricks do you use to get your pup to potty in wet weather...even when it stops raining?

Have B&B with well behaved dogs BUT some of the best trained will not potty outside if it is wet. Have use up my bag of tricks.....ideas?


The smell of other dogs stays quite a while even if it has rained. I stop the walk and stand in the middle of a likely place and let the dog walk around with a longer leash for a moment or two.

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It depends if it is a dog or a puppy. If it is a smaller pup you can swipe their genitals with a warm wet cloth once or twice, it will stimulate them to urinate. Older pup or full grown dog I just let them lead me to thier desired spot and give them more time. If eventually nothing happens I go back inside and try taking them out again 30 mins later until they do potty then give them a treat and positive reinforcement.