
Background check for clients?

New to Rover. I know a sitter is to go through a background check, but do clients receive background checks as well? Do you just unknowingly take a chance with clients? TIA!

4 Answers

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Rover does not do background checks on customers. You can do these yourself by using one of the numerous services out there.


The answer is no. The client only provides credit card info, name and address.

I personally google them all before showing up for my meet and greet. If I can't find any info whatsoever, I contact Rover first. I used to bring a person with me to meet and greets. I would either ask/inform the client I am bringing a person with me and we would discuss if they agree. Never had a client saying I must come alone. I would also bring a friend who would sit and wait in the car instead of bringing them into the client's house.

I would always leave a note at home with the client's name and address.

These days I carry personal protection at all times and go to the meet and greets alone, and always inform a person at home where I am going, text them the address and updates when I get there and when I am done. Just in case. That's my approach and I have never had a creepy or rude client. Luckily. Good luck to you.


Please answer this question about clients having a background check on them I would like to know answer to this question too?


There have been a couple of recent questions about background checks. Here are the links: