
How do I stop my dog from peeing on dining room rug when left alone?

My 7 year old Shih-Poo shows her displeasure at being left alone by peeing on the dining room rug. She has a doggie door, so it is not that she had to go indoors. It does not happen every time, but often enough that it is a problem. Since it is a black rug I cannot always tell by looking that she did it. Often the only way I knew she did it was stepping in cold pee. How do you train against this behavior?


We had problems with our dog also. He used to pee or poop inside of our house all the time when left alone. We asked one friend who works in foster care. He has recommended me this online dog trainer. . It's cheap but it delivered the needed result

4 Answers

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We had problems with our dog also. He used to poop and dig holes, table etc when we were not at home. Both my husband and I work a lot and had no time to take our Bud to dog training classes. We asked one friend who works in foster care (he is always surrounded by dogs) what we should do. He recommended one online dog behavior trainer. I love this trainer It helped us a lot, and I strongly recommend it for you.


I'd say get a crate big enough for them to have some space to move around a bit and voila. Or, there is a spray you can get that dogs hate the smell of and spray that on your nice carpets or furniture, that should do the job as well.


The problem with a dog that urinates inappropriately always in the same place is that it's nearly impossible to clean up the area to the point where it doesn't smell, to your dog, like a place to pee. There are enzymatic cleaners that you can and should buy, and these are supposed to denature the enzymes that keep the urine smell in the rug, which bringing your dog back to the same place. If it's been going on a long time, you may need some deeper cleaning to accomplish this. Consider steam cleaning or the like, depending on what kind of carpet you have.

The more important issue is addressing the behavior. If your dog is otherwise well potty trained, you'll need to determine why she's doing this. It's likely the smell attracting her to the same place. It could also be a health issue, like a urinary tract infection or diabetes, if it's a more recent issue that you didn't see so often before. To address health issues, make an appointment to see your veterinarian. If it's purely behavioral or anxiety related, consider crate training your dog or confining her to an area away from this rug.


Once she has made a habit of it, it can be difficult to break. You'll need to make sure the rug is so clean she can no longer smell any trace of her previous mistakes, which can take some heavy duty cleaning. For fresh stains, blot up as much as you can, then apply an enzymatic cleaner until the patch is soaked through, and let it dry completely. You may need to treat the area multiple times. If it's happened enough times and hasn't been thoroughly cleaned each and every time, it may just be time to do away with that rug. Going forward, don't allow her access to the rug while you are away while you're working on retraining. She can't pee on a rug she can't get to, and preventing her from practicing the unwanted behavior will give you a head start in replacing the rug peeing with the more appropriate outdoor peeing option. It's hard to train for a behavior that you aren't around for; if your dog is getting into trouble while you're gone, it's a sign that they are not prepared to be given that amount of unsupervised freedom. Even if they've previously been very well behaved, once they've developed a bad habit, it's time to take a step back and restrict her freedom when you're away so she can break the bad habit. Then slowly increase her freedom (and the amount of time she's allowed it), building on successes and backtracking if you expect too much too soon.