
When searching on Q&A for a topic, do you have tips for clearing the search? [closed]

Do you find that after searching for a specific topic or key word on the Q&A boards, the search will not clear (even if you backspace or delete or cut it or click the X to clear it), which filters the results. I end up having to exit the Q&A section and then go back to it. Any tips?

Closed for the following reason question is not relevant or outdated by Deb A.
close date 2016-10-09 12:05:49.452956

1 Answer

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This question was posted a long time ago, so you probably have figured out what was the problem.

I have never encountered this. It sounds like it may be a problem on your end.... have you tried restarting your computer/phone?


Actually, sometimes I just end up exiting & re-entering the Q&A forum (long way around). It may be my laptop. Oh well. Thanks.