
Where can I find my Rover phone number?

I do not want to give out my personal phone number to prospective clients...only OK to give when they book. Where can I find my Rover phone # to give to clients?


I would like to know this too!

Would be great if it was accessible on profile or dashboard. :)

1 Answer

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Rover Support can tell you what it is. Ironically, sitters can't see their own numbers. Clients see it after clicking the Contact (name). I just sent you a request for today with your Rover phone number. Please feel free to archive. By the way, the client sees this when they indicate the dates and name of pet (all required in order to send message)


Hello i am also trying to find my rover number. My first client recently asked for my number, and i am hesitant to give my personal right off the bat. Please help!